Sunday 29 October 2017

Ip Touch 4028 Invalid Data Binary Options

Noticias domingo 11 de septiembre de 2016 - qBittorrent v3.3.7 lanzamiento qBittorrent v3.3.7 fue lanzado. Pequeñas correcciones de errores de v3.3.6. Las compilaciones de Mac OS X se retrasarán un poco porque Qt 5.6.1 no funciona bien y necesito reconstruir 5.6.0. CARACTERÍSTICA: Borrar torrentfiles con ShiftDelete (pieniacy) BUGFIX: Fija la velocidad de empuje de punto de velocidad de 6 horas. Cerrar 5545 (Daniel Segesdi) BUGFIX: Evite generar un nuevo proceso de explorer. exe al seleccionar Abrir la carpeta que contiene. Cierra 5564. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Corrige la carga de un nuevo dpa geoip debido a un límite de tamaño artificial. (SagePtr) BUGFIX: Mejor manejo de errores y registro con la comunicación smtp. (Brian Kendall) BUSCAR: Quitar el motor de búsqueda de KickassTorrents (ngosang) BUSCAR: Quitar el motor de búsqueda BTDigg (ngosang) BUSCAR: Actualizar el motor de búsqueda de Torrentz (ngosang) miércoles 20 de julio 2016 - QBittorrent v3.3.6 qBittorrent v3.3.6 fue lanzado. Pequeñas correcciones de errores de v3.3.5. También corrige fallos en el lanzamiento de algunas configuraciones de Windows. Es un problema libtorrent. En Windows utiliza libtorrent 1.0.9git f716aef5 con commit 45cff5837f7b4af revertido como éste está causando los fallos. La investigación está en curso. Las compilaciones de Mac OS X también están listas. Ubuntu PPA seguirá. BUGFIX: No cree la carpeta save previamente (glassez) BUGFIX: Fije el límite superior de la línea de comandos para ejecutar el programa externo en Windows. Cierra 5399. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Invoca los sistemas cmd. exe directamente. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: problemas de espacio de solución en ruta de archivo para ejecutar programa externo en Windows. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Los iconos de corrección no aparecen cuando se utilizan idiomas RTL en el cuadro de diálogo Opciones. Cierra 5398. (Chocobo1) Lunes 20 de Junio ​​de 2016 - qBittorrent v3.3.5 lanzamiento qBittorrent v3.3.5 fue lanzado. CARACTERÍSTICA: Utilizar directorios temporales únicos (temppath / lttruncatedtorrenthashgt). Utilizar directorios temporales únicos (temppath / lttruncatedtorrenthashgt). Cierra 5154. (glassez) CARACTERÍSTICA: Muestra notificaciones cuando se agrega un torrente. Cierra 334 y 915. (sledgehammer999) CARACTERÍSTICA: Clasifique las etiquetas con el algoritmo de ordenación natural en el menú contextual. FECHA: Agregar opción para enlazar directamente a una IP en lugar de usar una interfaz de red (Sjoerd van der Berg, sledgehammer999) CARACTERÍSTICA: Consejos de herramientas detallados En las barras de progreso y disponibilidad en el botón General de cada torrent. (Eugene Shalygin) CARACTERÍSTICA: Permite al usuario especificar un filtro al elegir un archivo de filtro IP (Chocobo1) CARACTERÍSTICA: Mejorar la usabilidad de Ejecutar Programa Externo. Los usuarios pueden escribir scripts de shell (dependientes de la plataforma) ahora. (Chocobo1) RENDIMIENTO: Optimizar el dibujo en el gráfico de velocidad (Anton Lashkov, Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Solucionar la pérdida de memoria. (Sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Corregir el error de cambio de tamaño en el cuadro de diálogo add torrent. Cierra 5036. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Fijar qBittorrent no sale inmediatamente cuando todas las descargas no están hechas - opción de salida habilitada. (Glassez, Chocobo1) BUGFIX: muestra el camino del archivo cuando un torrent no se carga. Cierra 100 y 805. BUGFIX: Corrección Add tracker trackers de diálogo vacío (ngosang) BUGFIX: Corrección Add tracker dialog URL descarga (ngosang) BUGFIX: Corregir torrent añadiendo con los datos existentes (glassez) BUGFIX: Trata de encontrar archivos incompletos para nuevos Torrent (glassez) BUGFIX: Corregir la comprobación después de finalizar el torrent (glassez) BUGFIX: Corregir interfaces de red duplicadas. Cierra 5131 (ngosang) BUGFIX: Corrección. Se agrega la extensión qB cuando está deshabilitada (glassez) BUGFIX: Filtro de IP de corrección - Aplicar a los seguidores no se está aplicando. Cierra 5217. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: No cambia el tamaño de la columna País innecesariamente (thalieht) BUGFIX: Corregir un fallo al salir del programa mientras se mostraba la ventana de Opciones. Cierra 4871, 5049. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Corregir el análisis de filtros eMule. DAT. Cierra 5281. (thalieht, sledgehammer999) WEBUI: Implementar en establecer / quitar / mostrar categorías. (Buinsky) WEBUI: Add Agregado en la columna en Webui. (Pmzqla) WEBUI: Bumar APIVERSION y APIVERSIONMIN a 10. (sledgehammer999) WEBUI: Agregar comando para obtener los registros (pmzqla) WEBUI: Exponer Add trackers feature (pmzqla) BUSCAR: Implementar filtros de búsqueda en el proxy modelo. (Eugene Shalygin) BUSCAR: Optimizar widgets dentro de la pestaña de búsqueda (Eugene Shalygin) BUSCAR: Eliminar código duplicado de la pestaña de búsqueda y widget (Eugene Shalygin) BUSCAR: Utilice el script nova2dl. py en lugar de DownloadManager. Cierra 5026. (glassez) BUSCAR: Varias limpiezas de la interfaz de usuario y optimizaciones. (Chocobo1, ngosang) BÚSQUEDA: Corregir el tamaño de la barra de herramientas cuando msearchFilter aparece / desaparece. Cierra 5120. (Chocobo1) BUSCAR: Utiliza QPalette :: LinkVisited color para los elementos descargados en los resultados de búsqueda (Eugene Shalygin) BUSCAR: Actualiza los requisitos de versión de Python (min 2.7.9 / 3.3.0) (ngosang) BUSCAR: Elimina los filtros de Torrentreactor, BTDigg y Demonoid. Ahora se hace en la GUI. (Ngosang) RSS: intervalo de actualización predeterminado a 30 minutos (botmtl) COSMÉTICO: Mejorar TransferListDelegate :: sizeHint (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Corregir el recorte de texto largo. Cierra 5091. (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Menor cambio en el diálogo de estadísticas (ngosang) COSMÉTICO: Fijar Actualizar todos los botones de altura en la pestaña RSS (ngosang) COSMÉTICO: Desactivar comboHideZero cuando checkHideZero está desmarcada. (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Deshabilitar checkLimituTPConnections cuando checkuTP está desmarcada. (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Habilitar el ajuste de palabras para el texto de ayuda del programa Externo de ejecución (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Los botones de selección mutuamente exclusivos pueden no estar seleccionados. (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Establecer Acerca de la pestaña de tamaño de fuente a la opción predeterminada (zywo) COSMÉTICA: Mejorar las expresiones en la sección de torrent de descarga automática (Chocobo1) (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Cambia el texto ambiguo Copia seleccionada para Copiar IP: puerto (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Mejora los mensajes de error para los torrentes de descarga automática (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Reduce la página de descargas de la ventana de opciones. (Sledgehammer999) COSMETIC: página Cleanup Connection en el diálogo de opciones. Cierra 845. (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICA: El tamaño del botón de recarga de la recarga no es del mismo tamaño que. En el diálogo de opciones. (Chocobo1) WINDOWS: Deja que Windows maneje todos los widgets de escalado. (Chocobo1) WINDOWS: Mejora el seguimiento de la pila para las ventanas mediante la inclusión de nombres de archivo de origen y números de línea (SeigneurSerpent) OSX: Corrige el paquete qt5 en OSX. OTRO: Habilitar el acceso a las funciones de apagado cuando se configura con la opción --disable-gui (Chocobo1) OTRO: Borrar el cuadro de diálogo de importación de Torrent (CHOCOBO1). Sólo tienes que usar el diálogo agregar nuevo torrent. (Glassez) OTROS: Optimizar el código para la clasificación natural (Chocobo1) OTROS: Utilizar la nueva API dispathing de alertas para libtorrent 1.1.x (glassez) OTROS: Corregir la compilación gcc 6 con qmake. Ver 5237. (sledgehammer999) Martes 29 de marzo de 2016 - qBittorrent v3.3.4 qBittorrent v3.3.4 fue lanzado después de un largo tiempo con enorme changelog. El binario de Windows se compila utilizando Qt 5.6. Verá un fallo gráfico cuando se cierne sobre el signo más en el árbol de contenido. Es un problema conocido, pero Qt 5.6 trae correcciones que justifican su uso a pesar de la falla gráfica. CARACTERÍSTICA: Desbloquear la primera columna en la lista de pares también (thalieht) CARACTERÍSTICA: Añadir Ocultar opción de valores cero. Cierra 3543. (Chocobo1) CARACTERÍSTICA: Añade una columna restante al modelo de contenido de torrent (Ben Lau) CARACTERÍSTICA: Permite alternar columnas en peerlist (thalieht) CARACTERÍSTICA: Añade capacidad para filtrar mensajes de registro por tipo. (Sledgehammer999) CARACTERÍSTICA: Añade la capacidad de escribir el registro en el archivo. (D3fault, sledgehammer999, Chocobo1) RENDIMIENTO: Realiza datos de ahorro rápido en hilos separados (glassez) PERFORMANCE: Optimiza el arranque de la sesión (glassez) BUGFIX: Guarda los datos del curriculum vitae Utilizando QSaveFile (sólo Qt5). Esto reduce las posibilidades de archivos dañados. (Glassez) BUGFIX: Comprobar los permisos de los archivos torrent antes de abrir (birdie-github) BUGFIX: Actualizar siempre las sesiones nativas announceip (Jesse Connop) BUGFIX: Corregir archivos. magnet desde las carpetas vigiladas. Cierra 4701. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Corrección de la actualización corrompida fastresume archivo (glassez) BUGFIX: Corregir los valores totales para las semillas Peers (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Corregir la condición de carrera potencial. Cierra 4742. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: No fusione los rastreadores para los torrents privados. Cierra 2928. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Arreglar los botones dobles en el cuadro de diálogo Add New Torrent. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Corrige el encabezado de fecha malformado en el correo electrónico. Cierra 4828. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Guardar Ejecuta la entrada del programa externo como está. Cierra 4830. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: habilita la columna de nombre de archivo en la lista de iguales de nuevo. El bloqueo está arreglado ahora. (Eugene Shalygin) BUGFIX: No mostrar advertencia cuando el nombre de la carpeta se mantuvo igual después de cambiar el nombre. (Sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Corrige la selección de archivos de traducción en portugués. (Sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Fija la selección de la localidad de Esperanto. Cierra 4999. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Fix administrador de archivos caja abre el archivo en lugar de abre el directorio. Cierra 5003. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Fija puntos de latencia periódica en Windows con conexiones WiFi. Cierra 4209. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Potencialmente arregla un choque aleatorio procedente del sidepanel (sledgehammer999, ngosang) WEBUI: Fija maxratio precision. Cierra 4707 (ngosang) WEBUI: Corrección de la excepción de JavaScript en la carga de WebUI (buinsky) WEBUI: Corrección de la traducción (buinsky) WEBUI: Envíe la etiqueta en el nuevo cuadro de diálogo de etiquetas pulsando enter key (buinsky) WEBUI: Cierra 4191 (ngosang) WEBUI: Cambios menores en los estilos CSS (ngosang) WEBUI: Agregar Añadida y Completada en los campos de consulta / respuesta de consulta de torrents (buinsky) WEBUI: No intente analizar el mensaje de solicitud cuando el contenido de la longitud es 0 Seminara) WEBUI: Soporta paquetes de certificados SSL. Número 4896. (UnDifferential) WEBUI: Cambia el orden de los valores de las etiquetas de velocidad (buinsky) WEBUI: Bump WebUI BÚSQUEDA DE APRSION: Actualiza el complemento PirateBay. (Ngosang) BÚSQUEDA: Añadido motor de búsqueda TorLock (ngosang) COSMÉTICO: Fija la pantalla de bienvenida permaneciendo en la parte superior de todas las ventanas. (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Utiliza una fecha corta en addnewtorrentdialog (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Cambia el espacio libre en disco a Free (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Utiliza la fecha corta en addnewtorrentdialog (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Espacio en el disco (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Permita que OS maneje la escala de DPI por ahora. Debería dejar que Qt haga el trabajo cuando sea más maduro. (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Ponga el comentario en QScrollArea. Cierra 4881. (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Cambia el orden de los valores de etiquetas de velocidad (buinsky) COSMETIC: Limpia la pestaña Log (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Limpia la pestaña RSS (Chocobo1) OTRO: Añada soporte de cmake básico (y no oficial) (Eugene Shalygin) OTROS: Apoye la compilación cruzada con MXE (Boris Nagaev) OTROS: TravisCI: cambia a la imagen Trusty. Cierra 4953. (Chocobo1) OTROS: Muchos otros internos del código de reestructuración, limpieza y fijación. Sábado 13 de febrero de 2016 - El foro se restablece Como se mencionó anteriormente. Hubo informes de que los foros de un montón de sitios relacionados con bittorrent fueron hackeados. Como resultado, desactivamos nuestro foro para investigar. A nuestro leal saber y entender, no hemos sido hackeados. No descubrimos ninguna evidencia de entrada no autorizada. Sospechamos que el autoproclamado hacker era un fraude en su lugar. Sólo para que sepas que las contraseñas se guardan hash y saladas en la base de datos. Es muy difícil invertir esto y obtener la contraseña real. En cualquier caso, restableceremos todas las contraseñas y activaremos el foro. Ya deberías haber recibido un correo electrónico sobre tu nueva contraseña. Jueves 21 de enero de 2016 - qBittorrent v3.3.3 lanzamiento qBittorrent v3.3.3 fue lanzado. Vea changelog. Esta compilación también corrige un problema que solicitó G: unidad en Windows. BUGFIX: deshabilita temporalmente la columna de nombre de archivo de la vista de compañeros. Tiene un error que provoca frecuentes fallos. Vea el número 4597. WEBUI: Mueva el estilo del encabezado dinámico de la tabla a CSS (buinsky) WEBUI: Corrige las actualizaciones innecesarias de la tabla de torrents peers (buinsky) Martes 19 de enero 2016 - qBittorrent v3.3.2 release qBittorrent v3.3.2 fue lanzado. Fija algunas regresiones. Si utiliza carpetas de reloj tendrá que reconfigurarlos. El binario de Windows se compila utilizando MSVC 2017 ahora. CARACTERÍSTICA: Añada una nueva columna a la lista de compañeros que muestre la lista de archivos que se descargan ahora de un compañero. (Evsh) CARACTERÍSTICA: Mejorar la interfaz de usuario de carpetas de vigilancia. Cierra 4300. Tendrá que volver a hacer la configuración de carpetas de reloj. (Sledgehammer999, glassez) CARACTERÍSTICA: Soporte de carga de múltiples imanes / hashes / urls por archivo. magnet en la carpeta vigilada (una por línea). Cierra 217. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Soluciona la resolución de los nombres de host de pares. Cierra 4307. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: No vuelva a comprobar dos veces después de la comprobación de la fuerza con Recheck torrents en la terminación activada. Cierra 4274. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: No aplique algunos ajustes de nuevo si no fueron cambiados. Cierra 4278. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Actualiza los códigos de país ISO 3166. Cierra 3942. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Corrige los torrents en movimiento después de reiniciar la aplicación. Cierra 4434. (glassez) BUGFIX: Corregir error en el código de favicon debido a la desreferencia del puntero nulo. (Glassez) BUGFIX: Mueve el archivo qBittorrent-resume incluso cuando no se recuperaron imanes. También asegúrese de cambiar el nombre con un nombre único. Cierra 4334. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: No agregue la carpeta de vigilancia antes de que el usuario cierre la ventana Preferencias. (Sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Quite las carpetas de vigilancia permanentemente sólo si el usuario acepta el cuadro de diálogo Preferencias. (Sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Mejor manejo de las cookies en el gestor de descargas (glassez) BUGFIX: Utilice el gestor de descargas para RSS, el programa de actualización y el actualizador de dns. (Glassez) BUGFIX: Corregir los archivos filtrados (glassez) BUGFIX: Corregir los archivos corrompidos. fastresume (glassez) WEBUI: Mostrar los torrents filtrados número (buinsky) WEBUI: Corregir los filtros pausados, activos e inactivos (buinsky) WEBUI: Corregido bug al cargar Varios archivos y sólo el último fue considerado. (Naikel) WEBUI: Interfaz WebUI implementada para la nueva característica de carpetas vigiladas (naikel) WEBUI: Corrección posible mostrando que el cliente qBittorrent no es un mensaje accesible al eliminar torrents. (Buinsky) WEBUI: No muestre el elemento de menú de velocidad de descarga de límite para los torrents descargados. (Buinsky) WEBUI: Recuperación de la última pestaña abierta (buinsky) WEBUI: Bump WebUI APIVERSION y APIVERSIONMIN (buinsky) WEBUI: Actualizar los parámetros del programa webui run (buinsky) WEBUI: Permitir eliminar la etiqueta asignada a un torrent (pmzqla) . COSMETIC: Actualiza los nombres nativos de los locales chinos. Cierra 4381. (sledgehammer999) COSMETIC: Cambia el nombre del encabezado de columna en la vista de contenido. (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Editar límites de velocidad e iconos de relación de carga (buinsky) BUSCAR: Refactorización de código. (Glassez) BUSCAR: Corregir la implementación de PirateBay plugin para Python 3 (ngosang) BUSCAR: Actualiza PirateBay URL. Cierra 4470 (ngosang) RSS: refactorización de código. (Glassez) LINUX: Corregir la construcción. Otra: Indica al usuario que va a descargar la nueva versión. (OTRO): Indica al usuario que se va a descargar la nueva versión (sledgehammer999) OSX: Establece qBittorrent como aplicación de torrent por defecto en Mac OS (dmitry. viktorov). Indique desde el instalador que la versión anterior fue detectada y no se eliminarán los ajustes. Cierra 4320. (sledgehammer999) OTRO: No requiere librerías de GUI para qt4 nox build. Cierre 4404. OTRO: Fijar la compilación cruzada (bnagaev) OTRO: Permitir GeoIP en las construcciones del nox (glassez) Martes 22 de diciembre 2017 - compromiso del foro Nos ha venido a la atención que la base de datos del foro que contiene información del usuario pudo haber sido comprometida por Una tercera parte no autorizada. No somos capaces de decir si esto es cierto de nuestros registros. Y no estamos seguros si el hack era real. Ver más información en este artículo. Si la base de datos estaba realmente comprometida probablemente fue a través de un error del software del foro. Hemos instalado la versión 2.0.11 de SMF. Que es el último establo. Como medida de precaución hemos eliminado los foros. Las contraseñas se guardaron como texto sin formato, pero como hashes salados. Esto hará muy difícil para los hackers recuperar las contraseñas reales. Sin embargo, le recomendamos encarecidamente que cambie su contraseña a cualquier otro sitio en el que utilizó la misma contraseña. Discúlpanos por los incovenientes. Martes 8 de diciembre de 2017 - qBittorrent v3.3.1 release qBittorrent v3.3.1 fue lanzado. Fija algunas regresiones. Las compilaciones de Mac OS X se proporcionarán en un momento posterior. CARACTERÍSTICA: CARACTERÍSTICA: Nuevo Establecer como opción de etiqueta predeterminada en el cuadro de diálogo Añadir torrente. (Takiz) CARACTERÍSTICA: Soporte de caracteres comodín para filtrar la lista de torrentes y el contenido de torrent (vlakoff) BUGFIX: Fix -1 se muestra en lugar del símbolo de infinito (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Cierra 4254, 4239, 4187. (glassez) BUGFIX: Los torrents exportados usan ahora nombre en lugar de hash. Cierra 4205. (glassez) BUGFIX: Mejora la actualización a v3.3.0. Ahora los imanes no cargados se migrarán también. Correcciones 4195. (glassez) BUGFIX: Corregir la codificación incorrecta para el mensaje de error de error de escucha. (Glassez) BUGFIX: Corrección de RSS no automarking artículos como leídos. (Glassez) BUGFIX: Corregir el punto muerto posible durante la salida de la aplicación. (Sledgehammer999) WEBUI: Soporte de cookies en WebUI al descargar torrents desde una URL. (Naikel Aparicio) WEBUI: Modificación de descarga y carga de ventanas para permitir el autocompletado de navegadores. (Naikel Aparicio) WEBUI: Se ha corregido el spinner en la página de carga de WebUI. (Naikel Aparicio) WEBUI: Altura modificada de la página de descarga de WebUI. (Naikel Aparicio) WEBUI: Corregido todas las funciones JavaScript para descargar y cargar páginas. (Naikel Aparicio) WEBUI: Añadir pestaña de semillas a WebUI (buinsky) WEBUI: Bump WebUI APIVERSION. COSMETIC: Utiliza QLineEdit ClearButton (Qt5 solamente) (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Cambia la descripción del texto para la mitad - Conexión abierta (Chocobo1) OTRO: Cambia la URL de actualización a FossHub. Cierra 4188. (sledgehammer999) Domingo 29 de noviembre de 2017 - qBittorrent v3.3.0 liberación qBittorrent v3.3.0 fue puesto en libertad. Mucho le ha sucedido. Y como usted puede haber notado de la serie v3.2.x, ahora tenemos una cantidad sana de devs que contribuyen a ella. Esta serie ha cambiado a Qt5, pero Qt4 sigue siendo compatible. Temporalmente las compilaciones de OS X utilizarán Qt4. CARACTERÍSTICA: Refactoring enorme del código de la base. Los problemas con las etiquetas, carpetas temporales etc deben ser eliminados. Una IU más suave también debe ser observada. (Glassez) CARACTERÍSTICA: Gráfico de la velocidad (Anton Lashkov) CARACTERÍSTICA: Agregue a pares múltiples en el diálogo de la adición de los pares. Cierra 1563, 2245, 3133, 1419, 3287, 1419 (ngosang) CARACTERÍSTICA: Permita copiar todos los pares con un atajo de teclado (ngosang) CARACTERÍSTICA: Utilice la base de datos GeoIP2, permite la resolución de países de pares IPv6. Ya no está incorporado en el programa pero descargado y actualizado mensualmente. (Glassez) CARACTERÍSTICA: Añade más parámetros del Programa Externo, cierra 3053, 238, 1291, 1522. (Chocobo1, glassez) CARACTERÍSTICA: Añade una opción para permitir el uso de proxies sólo para torrents. Cierra 2701. (pmzqla) CARACTERÍSTICA: Detecta los cambios de estado de la interfaz de red. Debe detectar restablecimientos de conexión VPN. (Pawel Polewicz) CARACTERÍSTICA: Cambie a usar c11 (glassez) CARACTERÍSTICA: Agregue automáticamente seguidores a nuevas descargas. (Ngosang) CARACTERÍSTICA: Ahora puede elegir la ruta de descarga para las carpetas vigiladas. (Dsimakov, sledgehammer999) CARACTERÍSTICA: Cambie a Qt5 por defecto. BUGFIX: Fija el cálculo de progreso en la pestaña Contenido. Cierra 2639 Cierra 2752 (ngosang) BUGFIX: Fijar filtro de etiqueta. Cierra 3429. (glassez) BUGFIX: Ejecuta Ejecutar Externo Programa Lanza demasiado Problema temprano, cierra 2107. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: No quita la carpeta principal de contenido de torrente, incluso está vacía. Cierra 2244. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Aplicar siempre filtro para IPs prohibidos manualmente. Relacionado 3988. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Fija el informe del estado del rastreador. Cierra 3101. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: No se conecta a ninguna interfaz cuando falta la interfaz de red configurada. Cierra 3943, 2741, 1159, 844 y 143. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Fijar el reordenamiento de la primera columna con Qt5. COSMÉTICO: Usa el símbolo de infinito en lugar de -1 para nbconnections (pmzqla) COSMETIC: Mueve las opciones de uTP a su propia sección (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Añadir etiquetas de herramientas / leyenda para la barra de progreso de la barra de disponibilidad (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Fijar la etiqueta de progreso de la etiqueta de disponibilidad cortada en las altas pantallas de DPI, cierra 3237. (Chocobo1) : Utilice el color del tema para el fondo en PropertiesWidget (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Reemplace la línea horizontal con el borde en el panel inferior (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Varios cambios visuales en el panel lateral. (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Utilizar borde delgado para la lista de transferencia (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Hacer URL en Agregar Archivo Torrent. Clicable. Cierra 3928. (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICA: Nueva vista para torrents con error. (Sledgehammer999) WEBUI: Añadir información en la pestaña General (ngosang) WEBUI: Reordenar la opción Super modo de siembra en el menú del botón derecho (ngosang) WEBUI: Limpiar código JavaScript (ngosang) WEBUI: 648 (Felipe Barriga Richards, ngosnag) WEBUI: Corrige el acceso al WebUI a través de IPv6 (ngosang) WEBUI: Bump WebUI APIVERSION a 6. WEBUI: Cambia el color seleccionado para diferenciarlo de la barra de progreso. (Daniel Peukert, ngosang) BÚSQUEDA: Añadir Copiar descripción URL de la página en la pestaña de búsqueda. Cierra 2371. (pmzqla) BÚSQUEDA: Agrega la variable env de httpsproxy. Esto obliga a Python a usar el proxy HTTP para conexiones HTTPS. (Pmzqla) BUSCAR: Detectar la nueva URL del complemento desde el portapapeles (ngosang) BUSCAR: Actualizar los rastreadores de Torrentz (ngosang) WINDOWS: Corregir la traducción al alemán del instalador (netswap) NOX: No preguntar al usuario en nox cuando está en modo no interactivo. Cierra 3875. (sledgehammer999) OTRO: Corregido los errores ortográficos, la corrección ortográfica (dartraiden) OTRO: Corregir la necesidad de reiniciar para habilitar / deshabilitar la resolución de países pares. (Glassez) OTRO: Descargue el dib de GeoIP cuando está inhabilitado. (Sledgehammer999) OTROS: Reduzca el valor máximo del tamaño de caché de disco a 1536MB para 32 bits. Cierra a 4028. (Chocobo1) OTROS: Hacer la descarga en orden secuencial y descargar las primeras y últimas opciones de la primera pieza independientes. (Glassez) Sábado 10 de octubre de 2017 - qBittorrent v3.2.4 lanzamiento qBittorrent v3.2.4 fue lanzado. Esta versión finalmente arregla un oscuro error de acceso y ejecución con rastreadores. En realidad es un bug libtorrent que se fija en su fuente. Pero para arreglar compilaciones que usarán versiones anteriores de libtorrent (por ejemplo, en Linux) he hecho un cambio en el código v3.2.4 que eludirá el bug de todos modos. Esta versión debería ser la última de la serie v3.2.x. La próxima v3.3.x es bastante estable y bien enfocada para optimizarla para su lanzamiento. PS: Ubuntu y OS X estarán disponibles en pocas horas. CARACTERÍSTICA: Seleccione el archivo de torrents de archivos individuales al abrir la carpeta de destino (pmzqla) BUGFIX: Corregir error con favicon inválido. Cierra 3632. (glassez) BUGFIX: Intenta descargar favicon. png cuando la descarga de favicon. ico falla (pmzqla) BUGFIX: Intenta evitar cargar un archivo de configuración dañado. También se registran errores encontrados al guardar / cargar la configuración. Cierra 3503. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Permite añadir torrents desde Torcache (jsayol) BUGFIX: No limite el número de torrents que se pueden anunciar al tracker / dht / lsd. Cierra 3473. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Soluciona falla potencial cuando falla la asignación de memoria. COSMETIC: Mover la opción Ignorar los límites de transferencia en la red local a la página de velocidad (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Mover la opción Confirmar la eliminación de torrent a la página de Comportamiento (Chogos) Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Arreglar los errores tipográficos. Hacer TP intraducible. Utilice la variación americana de palabras. Cierra 3654. (sledgehammer999) COSMÉTICO: Optimiza el color del texto para los temas oscuros. Cierra 3633 y 3815. (sledgehammer999) COSMETIC: Muestra la etiqueta actual en el menú contextual de torrent. Cierra 3776. (sledgehammer999) WEBUI: Añadir savepath a / query / torrents (Casey Bodley) WEBUI: Bump APIVERSION a 5 SEARCH: Corrige la detección de python cuando se instala el software Anaconda. Cierra 3731. (sledgehammer999) RSS: Maneje enlaces magnet como torrents en lugar de URL de noticias. RSS RSS: Corregir el menú contextual en la lista de torrents RSS (ngosang) RSS: Corregir el texto del contexto en los artículos RSS (ngosang) (Ngosang) RSS: Permite la selección múltiple en la lista de torrents RSS (ngosang) RSS: No se ocultan los elementos en la lista No leídos cuando se hace clic (ngosang) (Ngosang) RSS: Corrección de la posición del panel RSS no guardada (ngosang) RSS: Corregir los cambios de la etiqueta de olvido en el primer elemento de la lista de reglas RSS. (Gelmir) RSS: Añadir etiqueta a la interfaz de usuario cuando se está creando una nueva durante la adición de la regla. (Gelmir) RSS: Elimina el mensaje de actualización cuando se agrega un nuevo feed (ngosang) RSS: Corrige el error de RSS al eliminar fuentes RSS. Cierra 997, 2152, 2461, 3718, 3747, 3766, 3806, 3814, 3829 y 3846. (ngosang) RSS: Ordenar etiquetas en el diálogo RSS Downloader, cierra 3140. (Chocobo1) WINDOWS: Mostrar correctamente las letras alemanas en el instalador. Cierra 3574, 3566. (sledgehammer999) WINDOWS: Corrige la selección de archivos en Explorer cuando el nombre de archivo contiene caracteres extraños. Cierra 3185. (sledgehammer999) WINDOWS: Fijar el directorio de descarga predeterminado incorrecto en Windows. Cierra 2625. (Chocobo1) WINDOWS: Corrección de la traducción al alemán del instalador. (Netswap) LINUX: Arreglar el icono de archivo. desktop roto para algunas localidades. Consulte 3905. (sledgehammer999) OTROS: Fijar la detección de ppc64le durante la configuración (sledgehammer999) OTRO: No utilice sed en configure. Cierra 3169. (pmzqla) OTROS: Corregir vínculo de donación roto. Cierra 3771. (sledgehammer999) OTROS: Añade el enlace del foro en README. Cierra 3853. (sledgehammer999) OTRO: Nueva traducción: Esperanto OTRO: Fijar Qt5 nox construir en no-Windows. (Sledgehammer999) Domingo, 04 de octubre de 2017 - Se resolvió el problema de Paypal Queridos usuarios y simpatizantes Hemos tenido un problema menor con nuestra cuenta de Paypal, que ya está resuelta. La donación ahora es posible de nuevo - a través de Paypal. Esto no significa que se prefiera Paypal, los otros métodos de trabajo muy bien también. (Es posible que necesite forzar la actualización de la página principal para que su navegador descarte la antigua en caché). Una vez más, me gustaría dar las gracias a todos por el apoyo continuo y las donaciones. Domingo 02 de agosto 2017 - qBittorrent v3.2.3 lanzamiento qBittorrent v3.2.3 fue lanzado. Bugfix: Corregir un fallo al cerrar una pestaña de búsqueda mientras se está ejecutando la búsqueda (pmzqla) BÚSQUEDA: Otras correcciones y mejoras menores de búsqueda (pmzqla) Sábado 01 de agosto de 2017 - qBittorrent v3.2.2 qBittorrent v3.2.2 fue lanzado. CARACTERÍSTICA: Permitir a la fuerza reannounce DHT también (Chocobo1) CARACTERÍSTICA: Implementar una opción para deshabilitar la confirmación de torrent recheck (blaxspirit) CARACTERÍSTICA: Permitir copiar todos los rastreadores con un atajo de teclado (pmzqla) BUGFIX: Fix torrent renaming. Cierra 3398 (ngosang) BUGFIX: Corrección de dirección localhost (:: ffff: no se reconoce cuando se conecta a WebUI (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Corrección de caracteres en nombre de etiqueta se convierte en tecla de aceleración, cierra 3454. (Chocobo1) Analizar el encabezado cuando el nombre de archivo torrent contiene un punto y coma. Cierra 3511. BUGFIX: Corrige la instalación del complemento de búsqueda desde un archivo local. (Sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Corrige la instalación del complemento de búsqueda mediante el archivo arrastrar y soltar. (Sledgehammer999) COSMETIC: Actualiza el esquema de colores del icono completed. png. (Sledgehammer999) COSMETIC: Soluciona la impresión del símbolo de copyright en el diálogo Acerca de. COSMÉTICO: Añadir el recuento de ítems no leídos a la pestaña RSS (pmzqla) WEBUI: Puertos entre 1 y 65535 como en la interfaz gráfica de usuario (COSMÉTICA). Cierra 1602 (ngosang) WEBUI: Corrige un error en la pestaña Contenido cuando el torrent no tiene metadatos (ngosang) WEBUI: Nueva opción Puerto Web UI UPNP. Cierra 3358 (ngosang) WEBUI: Corrige los tipos de contenido API. Cierra 3393 (ngosang) WEBUI: Arreglar la adición de trackers vacíos (ngosang) WEBUI: Torrent descarga de hash. Cierra 1173 (ngosang) WEBUI: Fijar orden por número de cola (ngosang) WEBUI: Abrir enlaces externos en una nueva ventana / pestaña (ngosang) WEBUI: Gran aumento de rendimiento. (Ngosang) BUSCAR: Buscar estado por ficha (DoumanAsh) BUSCAR: Eliminar la palabra torrent en Resultados ExtraTorrent (ngosang) BUSCAR: Prefieren python3 sobre python2 en Linux y OS X (pmzqla) BUSCAR: Mostrar notificación si no se encuentra Python y una búsqueda Se inicia (pmzqla) BUSCAR: Actualiza el enlace al instalador de Python de Windows (pmzqla) BUSCAR: Mejora las comprobaciones de python. Imprimir la versión de python y la ruta de acceso. (Sledgehammer999) OTRO: Mejoras en el sistema de compilación (Chocobo1) OTRO: Bump la versión de libtorrent mínima requerida a 1.0.6 / 0.16.19. (Sledgehammer999) OTROS: Nueva traducción: Esloveno Sábado 11 de julio de 2017 - qBittorrent v3.2.1 release qBittorrent v3.2.1 fue lanzado. El retraso que experimentan algunos usuarios al seleccionar un torrent o al hacer clic con el botón derecho en él se corrige en la serie v3.3.x. Sin embargo, el código no se puede backport a la serie v3.2.x. CARACTERÍSTICA: Cambiar las preferencias por defecto (ngosang) CARACTERÍSTICA: Añadir Añadir enlace al menú torrent en TrayIconMenu. Cierra 2918. (Chocobo1) CARACTERISTICA: Permite abrir archivos desde el panel de propiedades presionando Enter (pmzqla) CARACTERISTICA: Agregar casilla de verificación para IpFilterTrackers. CARACTERÍSTICA: Aumenta el valor de prioridad de High (pmzqla) CARACTERÍSTICA: Agregue 16 KiB, 8 MiB y 16 tamaños de pieza MiB en Torrent Creator (ngosang) BUGFIX (Chocobo1) : Desactivar tamaño de pieza automática al crear un nuevo torrent (ngosang) BUGFIX: Establecer el enfoque predeterminado para cancelar el botón en eliminar confirmar dlg, cierra 3085 (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Establecer el enfoque predeterminado a ok en añadir nuevo torrent dlg (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Fijar la casilla de verificación Minimized en Opciones (ngosang) BUGFIX: Eliminar los límites de la configuración de velocidades alternativas (LazyBui) BUGFIX: Corregir los torrents por ETA (pmzqla) BUGFIX: Mejorar la fórmula de cálculo de la relación . Cierra 3096. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Borrar el indicador de archivos perdidos al reanudar o volver a comprobar la fuerza. Soluciona problemas en 2750. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Borrar tempfile al descargar favicon. ico. Cierra 3257. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: No cierre el cuadro de diálogo downloadFromURL cuando muestre una advertencia de url vacía (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Minimiza a la bandeja sólo si la opción relevante está habilitada. (Sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Actualizar etiqueta de espacio de disco después de cambiar la partición, cierra 3309. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: No use un límite de carga predeterminada. Cierra 3275. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Corrige el tamaño de la barra de propiedades cuando se inicia minimizado a la bandeja. Cierra 3206. COSMÉTICO: Cambia el texto de la opción Confirmación a la salida cuando los torrents están activos (Chocobo1) COSMÉTICO: Permite seleccionar iconos de bandeja oscura / luz en todas las plataformas. (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Use AllUppercase for label text (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: changes in typography (ngosang) COSMETIC: Menu revamp (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Revamp general tab info (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Better update message for users (Chocobo1) COSMETIC: Fix ugly C wrapping in About dialog. (glassez) WEBUI: Fix login and logout relative URLs (ngosang) WEBUI: Fix resumeAll and pauseAll. Closes 3016 (ngosang) WEBUI: Changes in title bar (ngosang) WEBUI: Complete translatable strings (ngosang) WEBUI: Minor changes in style (ngosang) WEBUI: Fix Max connections and Time active in transfer information (ngosang) WEBUI: New config - Global maximum number of upload slots (ngosang) WEBUI: Display wasted data with friendly units. Closes 2994 (ngosang) WEBUI: add delay in shutdown command in order to send out response msg (Chocobo1) WEBUI: Option to hide Top Toolbar (ngosang) WEBUI: Reorder the tabs/groups in Options window (ngosang) WEBUI: Add new options (ngosang) WEBUI: Increase APIVERSION due to changes in 3279, 3197, 3226 and 3040 (ngosang) WEBUI: Add Web Seeds (HTTP Sources) tab (ngosang) WEBUI: Dont update the tabs if tabs panel is collapsed (ngosang) WEBUI: Fix alternative global rate limits. (ngosang) SEARCH: Fix thepiratebay. Closes 3012 (ngosang) SEARCH: Improve torrentz engine to return more results (ngosang) SEARCH: Change width of columns in search tab. Closes 764 (ngosang) SEARCH: Make strings translatable in seach engine (ngosang) SEARCH: Aborting search engine process during closure. Close 2671 (DoumanAsh) SEARCH: Perform searches in parallel (DoumanAsh) SEARCH: Add Demonoid search engine (ngosang) SEARCH: Minor fixes in search engines (ngosang) SEARCH: Show the version of search engines (ngosang) SEARCH: Update Legit Torrent to remove sgmllib (DoumanAsh) SEARCH: Update KickassTorrents (ngosang) SEARCH: Update BTDigg (ngosang) SEARCH: Update Torrentz (ngosang) SEARCH: Update ExtraTorrent (ngosang) SEARCH: Update TorrentReactor (ngosang) SEARCH: Fix Python 2 implementation of Torrentz (ngosang) SEARCH: Cosmetic changes in search engine (ngosang) SEARCH: Fix column sort in search engine. Closes 2621 (ngosang) RSS: Update matching RSS articles while editing rules (pmzqla) WINDOWS: Fix python detection from registry when multiple versions are installed (sledgehammer999) LINUX: Fixes Linux issue for when the theme doesnt have a corresponding icon. (sledgehammer999) OTHER: Correctly detect FreeBSD when configuring. (sledgehammer999, yurivict) OTHER: Add translator to credits. OTHER: New translation: Indonesian. OTHER: Split Chinese locales into Chinese Simplified, Chinese Traditional(Taiwan), Chinese Traditional(Hong Kong). (sledgehammer999) Sunday May 10th 2017 - qBittorrent v3.2.0 release qBittorrent v3.2.0 was released. After a long wait it is released. WebUI users will need to reset their passwords. Windows user with many torrents dont need to manually exit the application before system shutdown anymore. Thanks to all the contributors. Below follows the HUGE list of changes. FEATURE: Show actual protocol for listen success/failure in the log. Needs libtorrent v1.0.0 (Gelmir) FEATURE: Support per tracker re-announce. Needs libtorrent v1.0.0 (Gelmir) FEATURE: Support saving in network locations. (Gelmir) FEATURE: Support Qt5 (mostly Glassez) FEATURE: Code optimizations resulting in a more CPU efficient and snappier qBittorrent. (sorokin) FEATURE: WEBUI code rewritten, refactored and improved. (glassez, pmzqla, buinsky) FEATURE: Add option to hibernate computer in Auto-Shutdown menu (Bruno Barbieri) FEATURE: Cache preferences in memory. Minimize chance of settings corruption. Closes 1272, 1523, 1694. (sledgehammer999) FEATURE: Option to disable connections not supported by proxies. Closes 1894. (sledgehammer999) FEATURE: Haiku OS support (diger) FEATURE: Add a save resume data interval option(useful for SSD). (john-peterson) FEATURE: Add Last Seen Complete column (pmzqla) FEATURE: Add Last Activity column (pmzqla) FEATURE: Add Total Size column (pmzqla) FEATURE: Show current speed limits in the status bar (pmzqla) FEATURE: Episode filtering for RSS (Gelmir) FEATURE: Highlight files when opening containing folder on Windows and Linux(nautilus, dolphin, konqueror). (Gelmir, pmzqla) FEATURE: Setting to ignore RSS rule matches for X days (Gelmir) FEATURE: Add hotkeys and buttons for Top and Bottom priorities (alfrix) FEATURE: Implement peer relevance column. Closes 1630. (sledgehammer999) FEATURE: Show reason why a peer was blocked. Needs libtorrent 1.0.x. (sledgehammer999) FEATURE: Use the fastestupload setting as seed choking algorithm. (sledgehammer999) FEATURE: Allow to set text options for the toolbar icons (pmzqla) FEATURE: Add Resumed torrent filter (john. s.peterson) FEATURE: Add New Torrent dialog has a button for quickly choosing a location (sledgehammer999) FEATURE: Copy selected peers as IP:Port format. (ngosang) FEATURE: Show info hash in the torrent details in Add New Torrent dialog. (sledgehammer999, chrishirst) FEATURE: New feature: Remove empty labels (ngosang) FEATURE: Add Copy name option in right-click menu of torrent list. Closes 2452 (chrishirst) FEATURE: Implement tracker list in the side panel. Closes 170. (sledgehammer999) FEATURE: Implement a Completed status. Closes 2326 2483 939. (sledgehammer999) FEATURE: Columns for session-based download and upload statistics (LazyBui) BUGFIX: Use completed time from libtorrent directly. Closes 1726. BUGFIX: Speedup and fix a bug in torrent moving. (sorokin) BUGFIX: Scan Folder dialog now remembers last location (Bryan Roscoe) BUGFIX: Show input box to filter torrent list only when the list is shown (pmzqla) BUGFIX: Add placeholder text to the input to filter the torrent list (pmzqla) BUGFIX: Put directories first when sorting torrent content by name (pmzqla) BUGFIX: Fix missing icon for open action in file list (Gelmir) BUGFIX: Set placeholder text to torrent content filter. (sorokin) BUGFIX: Fix torrent creation when data is too large (sorokin) BUGFIX: Load torrents that have big metadata file. Closes 1889. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Use correct separator for OR condition in RSS rules (pmzqla) BUGFIX: Dont waste UI space in Content window. Closes 2159 (alfrix) BUGFIX: Fix the language selection in the combobox when the system locale only has a lang equivalent and not a langCOUNTRY one. Closes 1786. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Dont overwrite the Add Paused setting from the Add New Torrent Dialog (Gelmir) BUGFIX: Fix file preview when. qB extension is used (pmzqla) BUGFIX: Ensure that the priority column has enough width when queueing is enabled. Closes 2263. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Dont put limits to the alternative speed limits (pmzqla) BUGFIX: Make space key change all selected files checkboxes (sorokin) BUGFIX: Dont block peers that use privileged ports. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Accept multiple files at once. Closes 2253 (buinsky) BUGFIX: Dont touch torrents whose files are missing. Closes 342 2308 2469. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Save the new save path first in the history. Closes 2382. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Fix default tracker in Create Torrent dialog. (ngosang) BUGFIX: Let the OS decide the default interface regardless of IPv4/IPv6. Closes 2156. (Chocobo1) BUGFIX: Delete the correct selected torrents when the list is filtered. Closes 2729. (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Dont use HTML in tray icon pop-up on OSX. Closes 2830. (pmzqla) BUGFIX: Fix crash when trying to open destination folder on a torrent with no metadata. Closes 2522. (pmzqla) BUGFIX: Change torrent name when metadata is retrieved. (ngosang) COSMETIC: Removes white bar in the labels list. Closes 1151. (ngosang) COSMETIC: Fix speed printing in the tray icon and in the title bar. Closes 2737. (sledgehammer999) COSMETIC: Change the color scheme used (sledgehammer999) RSS: Display remote images in the preview (Mladen Milinkovic) RSS: Format html descriptions in the preview (Mladen Milinkovic) RSS: Support overriding global Add paused option on per rule basis (Gelmir) WINDOWS: Fix automatic python download. Closes 2076. (sledgehammer999) WINDOWS: Fix crash when searching the registry for installed python (glassez) WINDOWS: Tell Windows to wait during shutdown. (sledgehammer999, paolo-sz) OSX: Use the configure script to prepare the build in Mac OSX too. Closes 2295. (sledgehammer999) OSX: Fix the build (David Christenson) LINUX: Distribute systemd service file for the nox build (sledgehammer999, leigh123linux) LINUX: Create qBittorrent. appdata. xml (alxpl) SEARCH: Update KickassTorrents plugin (pmzqla) SEARCH: Remove vertor engine. Closes 2260. (DoumanAsh) SEARCH: Small fix of import in legittorrents engine (DoumanAsh) SEARCH: Add combo box for fast search engine switch (DoumanAsh) SEARCH: Fix error in mininova search engine (ngosang) SEARCH: Fix piratebay. Closes 2270 (DoumanAsh) SEARCH: Updated URL in kickasstorrents search engine (ngosang) SEARCH: Torrentz search engine added (ngosang) OTHER: Drop libtorrent 0.15.x support OTHER: Drop Qt 0. BUGFIX: Dont mark RSS item as read when it failed to download (Gelmir) BUGFIX: Fix ETA calculation when some files are downloaded and marked afterwards as do not download(sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Make the UI show that PEX/DHT/LSD are actually disabled on private torrents(sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Scheduler should be much more robust and correct now(sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Now qBt wont forget torrent settings after an unclean shutdown(sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Text boxes in edit dialogs will fit to text width(Gelmir) BUGFIX: Enable edit/rename via F2 or double click in various places(Gelmir) BUGFIX: Allow to edit trackers and copy their urls(Gelmir and Driim) BUGFIX: Add Uploaded column to main view(Gelmir) BUGFIX: Calculate ETA for seeding torrents(Gelmir) BUGFIX: Add option to ignore global share ratio limits for created torrents(Gelmir) OTHER: Many RSS bugfixes and improvements all over the place(Gelmir) OTHER: Generate translations at configure time to reduce tarball size OTHER: Make peer tab sortable by ip too (Gelmir) OTHER: Translations moved to Transifex(transifex/projects/p/qbittorrent/) OTHER: New Translation - Vietnamese (Anh Phan) PERFORMANCE: Impove drawing speed of tranferlist when there are many torrents(100) PERFORMANCE: Impove drawing speed of peers list when there are many peers Monday July 29th 2013 - qBittorrent v3.0.11 release qBittorrent v3.0.11 was released today and fixes several bugs. FEATURE: Allow more fine tuning of upload slots. It should improve speed (sledgehammer999) FEATURE: Enable edit/rename via F2 or double click in various places (Gelmir) BUGFIX: Fix Spanish and Basque translations being messed up on Windows (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Dont allow newlines in rename dialog (Gelmir) BUGFIX: Treat unfinished dates as the newest ones when sorting (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Fix text size problem on Windows with custom DPI (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Respect UI lock when clicking on tray notification (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Fix kickass torrents search plugin (Gelmir) BUGFIX: Use system language as default language. Closes 780 (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Move completed files to. unwanted folder when they are unselected by the user (constantined) BUGFIX: Show delete action when multiple feeds are selected (Gelmir) BUGFIX: Use Unicode for libtorrent alert messages (Gelmir) OTHER: Update translations WINDOWS: Shave off 4MB from the binary size (sledgehammer999) WINDOWS: Remove wrong dependency on msvc2008 runtime (sledgehammer999) WINDOWS: Disable stacktrace when building with mingw (Gelmir) WINDOWS: Updated NSIS script to include/delete. pdb file. (sledgehammer999) July 10th 2013 - qBittorrent v3.0.10 release qBittorrent v3.0.10 was released today and fixes several bugs. BUGFIX: Fix LegitTorrents search plugin BUGFIX: Improve peer host name resolution (closes 360) BUGFIX: Context menu fix in the Web UI BUGFIX: Respect dont show torrent dialog in Search (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Torrent creator can now use files/folders from disk root (Gelmir) BUGFIX: Update free disk space when changing drives in the add new torrent dialog (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Various fixes relating to RSS drag and drop (Gelmir) BUGFIX: Properly rename torrent which changes position in filter model (Gelmir) BUGFIX: Actually show tray notifications when a torrent finishes downloading (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Dont download RSS items based on rules still being edited (Gelmir) COSMETIC: Native look for the search boxes (Hyperz) IMPROVEMENT: Use natural sorting where possible (Gelmir and sledgehammer999) LINUX: Drop Boost. Thread dependency from configure script OTHER: Update translations. OTHER: Drop obsolete Boost. Thread dependency from configure script on linux (Dumez) LIBTORRENT: SOCKS5 fixes (0.16.10) LIBTORRENT: Fix hanging issue on Windows when closing files (0.16.10) LIBTORRENT: Cache can now be returned to the OS (0.16.10) PERFORMANCE: Impove drawing speed of tranferlist when there are many torrents(100) (sledgehammer999) PERFORMANCE: Impove drawing speed of peers list when there are many peers (sledgehammer999) July 7th 2013 - New qBittorrent maintainer qBittorrent from June 23rd 2013 has a new maintainer. Christophe Dumez, the original author, has stepped down and transfered the project maintenance to sledgehammer999. Read more here . April 7th 2013 - New qBittorrent Ubuntu PPAs qBittorrent now has new Ubuntu PPA repositories with daily builds of qBittorrent, for both stable branch and trunk (development branch). March 16th 2013 - qBittorrent v3.0.9 release qBittorrent v3.0.9 was released today and fixes several outstanding issues. Kuddos to everyone who helped squashing bugs BUGFIX: Raise qBittorrent windows when another instance is launched BUGFIX: Show human readable names for network interfaces in preferences (Windows) BUGFIX: Fix torrent creator bug when saving non-latin path (Windows) BUGFIX: Enable copy magnet uri for torrents without metadata too BUGFIX: Fix a few JSON parser issues (Gelmir) BUGFIX: Add support for gzipped encoded HTTP responses (daimor) BUGFIX: Fix possibly missing Add torrent icon (Driim) OTHER: Add search plugin for Legit Torrents January 20th 2013 - qBittorrent v3.0.8 release qBittorrent v3.0.8 was released today with several bug fixes. BUGFIX: Fix support for --no-splash command line argument BUGFIX: Fix compilation error with libtorrent v0.15 BUGFIX: Fix search issues with Python3 BUGFIX: Fix dead link about certificates in program preferences January 19th 2013 - qBittorrent v3.0.7 release qBittorrent v3.0.7 was released today with several bug fixes. BUGFIX: Update max write cache size to 2048MB and set it to automatic by default (closes 148) BUGFIX: Add m4v to the list of previewable file extensions (closes 216) BUGFIX: Fix Couldnt set environment variable. message on start up (closes 245) BUGFIX: Use right path separator in torrent addition dialog on Windows BUGFIX: Fix Set as default save path setting (closes 254) BUGFIX: Reenable disk cache on Windows since the memory issue seems to be gone BUGFIX: Fixed several search engine plugins and removed the dead ones BUGFIX: Use https links in search plugins when possible BUGFIX: Bump Mootools to v1.4.5 (Web UI) BUGFIX: Require password to exit qBittorrent from tray icon when locked (closes 311) BUGFIX: Fix possible crash in loadPeers() (closes 222) October 29th 2012 - FindMySoft Review FindMySoft created a quick look video showcasing of qBittorrent v3.0.5 and wrote a nice review. October 7th 2012 - qBittorrent v3.0.6 release qBittorrent v3.0.6 was released today with several bug fixes. BUGFIX: Fix unicode support for command-line arguments on Windows (closes 139) BUGFIX: Do not store created torrent in memory before writing it to a file (closes 133) BUGFIX: No longer fallback to ANY interface if the user-selected interface cannot be found (closes 143) BUGFIX: Fix timezone parsing in RSS (closes 136) BUGFIX: Fix cookie support for RSS feeds (closes 119) September 30th 2012 - qBittorrent v3.0.5 release qBittorrent v3.0.5 was released today with several bug fixes. BUGFIX: Disabling systray icon no longer disables file association settings (closes 114) BUGFIX: Import new trackers from magnet link in case of duplicate torrent (closes 111) BUGFIX: Fix Skip hash check feature in torrent import dialog (closes 128) BUGFIX: Several Web UI connection fixes BUGFIX: Add Basque locale to Web UI September 16th 2012 - qBittorrent v3.0.3 release qBittorrent v3.0.3 was released today with several bug fixes and a new translation (Hebrew). BUGFIX: Fix issue with temporary directory not being taken into consideration (closes 94) BUGFIX: Address encoding issues when using search engine on Windows (closes 29) BUGFIX: Bypass cache when uploading a torrent file in Web UI (closes 68) BUGFIX: Completed On column is not updated until restart (closes 84) BUGFIX: Fix possible build error on some systems I18N: Add hebrew translation September 1st 2012 - qBittorrent v3.0.2 release qBittorrent v3.0.2 was released today to address a few issues that people experienced. FEATURE: Add clear functionality to search field (closes 59) BUGFIX: Attempt to use qBittorrent icon from theme if available (closes 49) BUGFIX: Fix crash when a fastresume file is empty (closes 52) BUGFIX: Fix encoding problem for detected XDG Download folder (closes 53) BUGFIX: Improve performance when showing torrent content panel (Improves 24) BUGFIX: Fix label-based filtering of torrents whose label contains special characters BUGFIX: Fix possible crash due to labels (closes 64) August 21st 2012 - qBittorrent v3.0.1 release A first bugfix release in the v3.0.x series was just uploaded in order to address a few issues that were reported after the v3.0.0 release. BUGFIX: Fix possible crash when adding a tracker to a magnet torrent without metadata (Closes 1034254) BUGFIX: Remember queue position for torrents without metadata (closes 17) BUGFIX: Fix crash when using unauthorized characters in label names (closes 19) BUGFIX: Fix search plugins updating (closes 25) BUGFIX: Make uTP connections rate limited by default August 9th 2012 - qBittorrent v3.0.0 final release qBittorrent v3.0.0 was finally released as stable today thanks to our teams hard work. FEATURE: Brand new torrent addition dialog FEATURE: Add the ability to choose the save path when using magnet links (mutoso) FEATURE: Add support for adding multiple local torrents at once (Web UI) COSMETIC: Improve style of left panel BUGFIX: Lower panels no longer gets disabled BUGFIX: Major code refactoring and various optimizations BUGFIX: No longer strip root folder from torrent files OTHER: Drop support for libtorrent v0.14.x OTHER: Drop support for Qt 4.5 July 1st 2012 - qBittorrent v3.0.0 release candidate Im glad to announce that I uploaded today the first release candidate for qBittorrent v3.0.0, the next major release of qBittorrent. We encourage people to start testing this release candidate and help us iron out the issues so that we can make a final release as soon as possible. July 1st 2012 - qBittorrent v2.9.11 release qBittorrent v2.9.11 was released today to bring a few bug fixes. BUGFIX: Fix unreversible Minimize to tray on some window managers BUGFIX: Fix torrent availability computation (closes 988869) BUGFIX: Bring window to front after restoring from systray BUGFIX: Fix keyboard focus problems on main window (closes 1019563) BUGFIX: Fix ThePirateBay search plugin June 24th 2012 - qBittorrent v2.9.10 release qBittorrent v2.9.10 has been released to address several issues that have been reported recently. BUGFIX: Fix possible crash when showing torrent content (closes 1002586) BUGFIX: Add support for RSS feeds using magnet links (closes 1016379) BUGFIX: Remove 100kb limit for torrent file size in Web UI BUGFIX: Fix ratio limiting bug (closes 835217) BUGFIX: Do not display. qB file extensions in Web UI BUGFIX: Stop using absolute URLs in Web UI ajax requests (closes 1011226) BUGFIX: Fix torrent association and loading on Mac OS X (closes 1011229) BUGFIX: Fix unreversible Minimize to tray on some window managers (closes 917825) May 5th 2012 - qBittorrent v2.9.8 release qBittorrent v2.9.8 was released to address a few compilation issues in several environments and polish the user interface a bit. BUGFIX: Various UI style fixes BUGFIX: Fix compilation with gcc 4.7 BUGFIX: Fix possible compilation error with msvc (Windows) BUGFIX: Fix compilation on OS/2 I18N: Update Italian translation March 18th 2012 - qBittorrent v2.9.7 release qBittorrent v2.9.7 was released today in order to fix a few issues that have been reported in the past weeks. BUGFIX: Fix download first/last pieces state reporting BUGFIX: Fix name of progress column in torrent content panel BUGFIX: Disable system tray icon on Mac OS X BUGFIX: RSS downloader should not ignore Do not start automatically rule (closes 946910) BUGFIX: Fix DHT port setting in Web UI (Closes 952182) BUGFIX: Fix possible Web UI authentication problem when using SSL (closes 941343) BUGFIX: Fix possible issues with folder removal when removing a torrent I18N: Add Basque translation February 18th 2012 - qBittorrent v2.9.5 release qBittorrent v2.9.5 was released today to fix a few issues that have been reported recently. Also note that the project source code has moved from Gitorious to Github . BUGFIX: qBittorrent does not handle redirection to relative URLs correctly (Closes 919905) BUGFIX: CmdM minimizes main window on Mac OS X (Closes 928216) BUGFIX: CmdDel removes torrents on Mac OS X (Closes 928852) BUGFIX: Fix potential bug when moving single file torrents to tmp folder (closes 932861) BUGFIX: Fix torrent import dialog layout (Closes 930932) BUGFIX: Prevent log window buffer from filling up (Closes 929673) BUGFIX: Fix crash when disabling then reenabling RSS BUGFIX: Fix duplicate torrent detection when adding a magnet link BUGFIX: Fix import of new trackers when adding a torrent with same hash (Closes 747000) BUGFIX: Fix possible redownload of torrents marked as read (Closes 927495) BUGFIX: Properly remove RSS feed settings/history upon feed removal I18N: Add Belarusian translation December 29th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.9.3 release qBittorrent v2.9.3 has been released today after a short break in development. BUGFIX: Fix btdigg plugin (Python3 support torrent name in magnet links) BUGFIX: Fix banning of IPv6 peers (Closes 885021) BUGFIX: Fix torrent addition dialog layout problem (Closes 84650522) BUGFIX: Do not report any progress for disabled files (Closes 56731485) BUGFIX: Make torrent sorting case insensitive (Closes 857154) BUGFIX: Improve Web UI usability of small devices BUGFIX: Program updater: More reliable version detection / comparison I18N: Add Georgian translation October 29th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.9.2 release qBittorrent v2.9.2 has just been uploaded to fix an annoying issue with the torrent addition dialog dimensions and to reduce the number of dependencies. BUGFIX: Fix mimimum dimensions for torrent addition dialog BUGFIX: Remove dependency on boost-datetime BUGFIX: Remove dependency on boost-filesystem (libtorrent v0.16.x) October 23rd 2011 - qBittorrent v2.9.1 release Here comes the first bugfix release in the v2.9.x series. Although very stable, we did find a few regressions that needed fixing. BUGFIX: Add support for speed limits scheduling (Web UI) BUGFIX: Fix ratio calculation for purely seeded torrents I18N: Update Russian translation COSMETIC: Torrent addition dialog layout fixes October 8th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.9.0 release qBittorrent v2.9.0 was released today with nice new features and a lot of polishing, enjoy Thanks a lot to the people who helped make this release come to life. FEATURE: Add file association settings to program preferences (Windows) FEATURE: Add setting to ignore slow torrents in queueing system FEATURE: Add advanced setting to announce to all trackers FEATURE: Add support for anonymous mode (libtorrent v0.16) FEATURE: Add quick set as default save path checkbox to torrent addition dialog (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Add tray menu entry for toggling window visibility BUGFIX: Fix execution log lines selection and copying BUGFIX: Reduce CPU usage when running Web UI BUGFIX: Save RSS items to disk regularly for safety BUGFIX: Fix ratio calculation (use alltimedownload) BUGFIX: Fix torrent upload issues (Web UI) BUGFIX: Fix some IE incompatibilities (Web UI) COSMETIC: Display speed at the beginning of the Window title COSMETIC: Several cosmetic fixes to the Web UI COSMETIC: Make top toolbar follow system style OTHER: Display libraries versions in about dialog (sledgehammer999) OTHER: Display qBittorrent version in Web UI about dialog September 12th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.8.5 release qBittorrent v2.8.5 was released today to address a few issues that were reported over the holidays. ArchLinux users will be happy to know that this version finally supports Python 3.x, making the search engine available to them too. BUGFIX: Fix encryption setting saving in Web UI BUGFIX: Fix Copy torrents to setting saving in Web UI BUGFIX: Announce to all trackers in a tier to avoid stalling issues BUGFIX: Make search engine work with Python 3.x BUGFIX: Fix search engine plugins update tool BUGFIX: Fix KickAssTorrents search plugin August 9th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.8.4 release qBittorrent v2.8.4 was released today with some additional bug fixes and improvements. qBittorrent v2.8.x seems pretty stable now so Ill start working on the next major release: v2.9.0. BUGFIX: Added back ability to reorder trackers BUGFIX: Do not announce to all trackers in the same tier to comply with the multi-tracker specification BUGFIX: Fix torrent addition dialog geometry saving August 2nd 2011 - qBittorrent v2.8.3 release qBittorrent v2.8.3 was just released with a few bug fixes. Libtorrent-rasterbar v0.15.7 was also recently released. BUGFIX: Fix memory usage problem in log tab BUGFIX: Make sure the main window is not hidden on startup if no system tray icon is available June 19th 2011 - qBittorrent on Gitorious We have decided to move qBittorrent source code to Gitorious and to use GIT instead of SVN. We are hoping this will facilitate code contributions through merge requests and GIT patches. We need more people contributing code, the development team is way too small at the moment. The bug tracker is still on Launchpad. and the file releases will stay on Sourceforge for now. I would also like to move the Website to use an engine such as Wordpress or Drupal to facilitate editing. I - however - do not have the spare time to take on this task right now. If anybody is interested in working on this, please contact me . June 18th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.8.2 release We have just uploaded qBittorrent v2.8.2 to fix a few minor issues. qBittorrent v2.8.1 to v2.8.2 changelog: BUGFIX: Fix tracker exchange advanced setting BUGFIX: Fix Proxy authentication settings BUGFIX: Fix possible status filters widget height problem FEATURE: Show tracker tier (order) in tracker list June 5th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.8.1 release We have just release qBittorrent v2.8.1 to fix an annoying bug in v2.8.0. Users were unable to change the Web UI username / password from the Web UI which represents a security risk, especially for nox users. qBittorrent v2.8.0 to v2.8.1 changelog: BUGFIX: Fix Web UI username/password change (Web UI) June 2nd 2011 - qBittorrent v2.8.0 release A new major release of qBittorrent was released today: v2.8.0. The first version of qBittorrent which support the next libtorrent v0.16 (with uTP support). qBittorrent v2.7.x to v2.8.0 changelog: FEATURE: Added full libtorrent v0.16 support (uTP. ) FEATURE: Proxy can be disabled for peer connections FEATURE: Added support for secure SMTP connection (SSL) FEATURE: Added support for SMTP authentication FEATURE: Added UPnP/NAT-PMP port forward for the Web UI port FEATURE: qBittorrent can update dynamic DNS services (DynDNS, no-ip) FEATURE: Display peer connection type in peer list (BT, uTP, Web) FEATURE: Added full regex support to RSS downloader FEATURE: Added regex help and validation in RSS downloader FEATURE: Added HTTPS support to Web UI (Ishan Arora) BUGFIX: Change systray icon on the fly (no restart needed) BUGFIX: Remember peer-level rate limits (requires libtorrent v0.16) BUGFIX: Stop annoncing to trackers an all tiers (more respectful) BUGFIX: Stop sharing private trackers with other peers BUGFIX: Tracker exchange extension can be disabled BUGFIX: Cleaner program exit on system log out BUGFIX: Fix possible magnet link parsing problems BUGFIX: Fix possible RSS URL parsing problems COSMETIC: Added monochrome icon for light themes April 16th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.7.3 and v2.8.0beta3 uploads I have just uploaded qBittorrent v2.7.3. It fixes a few bugs (including one potentially important) and improves performance. Development is also progressing on v2.8.0 with a new beta release. qBittorrent v2.7.2 to v2.7.3 changelog: FEATURE: Added search plugin for btdigg. org (From BTDigg research team) BUGFIX: Do not delete unwanted files that were already present when adding the torrent BUGFIX: Fix URL decoding in search engine BUGFIX: Trackers can now be added to torrents without metadata BUGFIX: Fix initialization problem with some private trackers BUGFIX: Fix crash in RSS downloader BUGFIX: Make sure assertions are disabled in release mode April 5th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.7.2 release qBittorrent v2.7.2 has just been uploaded. It brings a few important bug fixes. qBittorrent v2.7.1 to v2.7.2 changelog: BUGFIX: Uninhibit system sleep on exit (Vladimir Golovnev) BUGFIX: Fix error on Windows when qBittorrent is shutdown by session manager (Vladimir Golovnev) BUGFIX: Fix alternative speeds tooltip BUGFIX: Parse URLs in torrent description BUGFIX: Make sure python is not required on startup (Windows) BUGFIX: Use ConsoleKit to shutdown the system instead of HAL (deprecated) BUGFIX: use UPower to suspend the system instead of HAL (deprecated) BUGFIX: Rewrote computer shutdown/suspend code to avoid data loss OTHER: Get rid of libnotify dependency (Use DBus instead) March 26th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.7.1 release qBittorrent v2.7.1 was released today. It ships a few bug fixes and a lot of translations updates. qBittorrent v2.7.0 to v2.7.1 changelog: BUGFIX: Limit file names to 255 bytes to avoid issues on Linux FS BUGFIX: Fix possible crash when changing the priority of a file BUGFIX: Magnet link association fix on Win32 (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Easier compilation on Win32 using MinGW (sledgehammer999) BUGFIX: Sync program preferences before computer shutdown to avoid loss OTHER: Get rid of QtSVG dependency I18N: Updated German, Italian, Hungarian, Portuguese, Brazilian, Spanish and Catalan translations March 20th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.7.0 release qBittorrent v2.7.0 was released with a few interesting new features and some more polishing. As you can see from the changelog, the project is attracting some new developers, which is excellent news. A big thanks to Vladimir Golovnev, Christian Kandeler and Ville Kiiskinen for their contribution. qBittorrent v2.6.9 to v2.7.0 changelog: FEATURE: Added search field for torrent content FEATURE: Added auto-shutdown confirmation dialog FEATURE: Added option to skip torrent deletion confirmation (Ville Kiiskinen) FEATURE: IP address reported to trackers is now customizable FEATURE: Inhibit system sleep when torrents are active (Vladimir Golovnev) FEATURE: Added option to bypass Web UI authentication for localhost FEATURE: Added option to disable program exit confirmation FEATURE: Added per-torrent ratio limiting (Christian Kandeler) FEATURE: Torrent content list is now sortable BUGFIX: Fix compilation with namespaced Qt (Christian Kandeler) BUGFIX: Added length restriction on UI lock password COSMETIC: Added monochrome tray icon COSMETIC: Improved status bars style OTHER: Make QtDBus dependency optional (X11) March 13th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.6.9 release qBittorrent v2.6.9 has been released today with a few more bug fixes. We are also making good progress on v2.7.0 and it should be ready soon. qBittorrent v2.6.7 to v2.6.9 changelog: BUGFIX: Fix compilation with libtorrent v0.14.x BUGFIX: Fix issues when writing on NTFS (Linux, Mac) BUGFIX: Fix root folder being cut off if the torrent comes from a scanned folder (Christian Kandeler) BUGFIX: Improve folder removal behavior BUGFIX: Make sure the. unwanted folder is deleted on soft torrent removal BUGFIX: Indicate support for Magnet links in desktop file (Fisiu) BUGFIX: Do not report torrent being checked as queued BUGFIX: Improve lists columns state saving February 26th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.6.7 release qBittorrent v2.6.7 was just released to fix a few bugs (most of them on Windows). qBittorrent v2.6.6 to v2.6.7 changelog: BUGFIX: Encoding fixes (Windows) BUGFIX: Fix append label to save path (Windows) BUGFIX: Disable OS cache for aligned files to reduce memory consumption BUGFIX: Fix torrent upload from Web UI (Windows) BUGFIX: Fix cursor problem in torrent addition dialog BUGFIX: Fix crash when additing an empty tracker URL BUGFIX: Share ratio can now go over 100 BUGFIX: Fix compilation with boost v1.46 February 8th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.6.6 release qBittorrent v2.6.6 was just released. It brings a few bug fixes including some important ones for Windows. It also features a few cosmetic improvements. qBittorrent v2.6.5 to v2.6.6 changelog: FEATURE: IP address reported to trackers is now customizable BUGFIX: Use slashes instead of antislashes in URLs (Windows) BUGFIX: Fix articles read state reset problem in RSS BUGFIX: Fix possible path encoding issues on Windows BUGFIX: Fix downloads from URLs on Windows I18N: Added Lithuanian translation COSMETIC: Improve main window layout COSMETIC: Improve properties buttons style COSMETIC: Display pieces being downloaded in green instead of yellow COSMETIC: Improve piece availability bar appearance February 3rd 2011 - qBittorrent v2.6.5 release qBittorrent v2.6.5 was released today, a bit late due to the recent problems experienced by SourceForge. Exceptionally, this bugfix release includes a major code rewrite of the RSS functionality. Indeed, this part of the code was less than optimal and was becoming very difficult to improve or even maintain. This rewrite results, according to initial reports, in a more stable experience and less CPU / memory usage when using RSS in qBittorrent. Special thanks to Vladimir Golovnev who helped again to improve system integration and bug fixing. We are also glad to announce that Tomaso is joining the team as Norwegian translator, replacing Lars-Erik Labori who left quite a long time ago. qBittorrent v2.6.4 to v2.6.5 changelog: BUGFIX: Make sure the progress is not 100 unless the file is complete BUGFIX: Fix memory leak in HTTP torrent downloader BUGFIX: Use native file dialogs (by Vladimir Golovnev) BUGFIX: Fix encoding problem in torrent moving code (by Vladimir Golovnev) BUGFIX: Performance improvement on ARM BUGFIX: RSS code rewrite (more cpu/memory efficient) I18N: Updated Norwegian translation (Tomaso) January 23rd 2011 - qBittorrent v2.6.4 release qBittorrent v2.6.4 was released today. It brings quite a few fixes and improvements. Special thanks to Vladimir Golovnev who helped fix bugs for this release. qBittorrent v2.6.3 to v2.6.4 changelog: BUGFIX: Added unicode support to email notification BUGFIX: Improved compatibility with various SMTP servers BUGFIX: Fix Labeling in RSS downloader BUGFIX: Avoid main window flashing on startup (closes 703984) BUGFIX: Improved hostname resolution code BUGFIX: Dropped dependency on libboost-thread BUGFIX: Display legal notice on screen center BUGFIX: Fix renaming of single-file torrents (by Vladimir Golovnev) I18N: More dialog buttons are now translated (by Vladimir Golovnev) I18N: Fix translation of size units (by Vladimir Golovnev) January 15th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.6.3 release qBittorrent v2.6.3 was just released. It is recommended to update since it fixes potential crashes and brings further polishing qBittorrent v2.6.2 to v2.6.3 changelog: BUGFIX: Fix possible crashes in full allocation mode BUGFIX: Fix icon size issues (Linux, icon theme) BUGFIX: Fixed file priority context menu BUGFIX: Remove dbus dependency in nox mode BUGFIX: Fix compilation on FreeBSD I18N: Improve Web UI translation I18N: Updated Polish translation January 12th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.6.2 release I have just uploaded qBittorrent v2.6.2 which brings a few important bug fixes as well as translation update/fixes. qBittorrent v2.6.1 to v2.6.2 changelog: BUGFIX: Do not report PeX as being disabled when DHT is BUGFIX: Fix possible crash on adding magnet links BUGFIX: Fix torrent import (was not working) I18N: Updated Greek, Croatian, Russian, Unkrainian and Bulgarian translations I18N: Added Armenian translation (New) I18N: Remove country flags from program preferences (language selection) I18N: Translate locale names (language selection) January 10th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.6.1 release Here comes a first bugfix release for qBittorrent v2.6. It brings some more polishing to the UI as well as a few minor fixes. qBittorrent v2.6.0 to v2.6.1 changelog: BUGFIX: Really disable torrent addition dialog by default BUGFIX: Fix some missing icons in the Web UI BUGFIX: Fix magnet torrent name update problem COSMETIC: Use 24px size for toolbar icons and reduce spacing COSMETIC: Move transfer list filter on the right side of the toolbar January 9th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.6.0 final release Im pleased to announce the final release of qBittorrent v2.6.0. This new major release brings a few new interesting features, more polishing and fixes some long-standing limitations. qBittorrent v2.5.5 to v2.6.0 changelog: FEATURE: Use system icons (Linux, Qt 4.6) FEATURE: Improved ETA calculation FEATURE: Simplify program preferences FEATURE: Software update check can now be disabled (Mac OS X / Windows) FEATURE: Display pieces size in torrent properties FEATURE: Added Time Active/Seeded column to transfer list FEATURE: Give feedback regarding the IP filter parsing FEATURE: Added a button to reload the IP filter FEATURE: Search engine results can now be opened in a Web browser FEATURE: Added a search engine plugin to extratorrent FEATURE: Added a search engine plugin for kickasstorrents FEATURE: Added auto-suspend upon downloads completion feature BUGFIX: Hide unwanted files that have to be partly downloaded BUGFIX: Do not allocate space for unwanted files (preallocation mode) I18N: Added Galician translation COSMETIC: Same deletion confirmation dialog in the GUI and Web UI COSMETIC: Simplified the top toolbar COSMETIC: Display execution log as a tab instead of a modal window January 6th 2011 - qBittorrent v2.5.5 and v2.6.0rc1 release I have just uploaded both v2.5.5 to fix a few outstanding issues and a first release candidate for v2.6.0. qBittorrent v2.5.3 to v2.5.5 changelog: BUGFIX: Added --enable-debug parameter to the configure script BUGFIX: Prioritize first and last pieces when sequential download is enabled BUGFIX: Some encoding fixes (Windows) BUGFIX: Display default password on stdout when using nox BUGFIX: Fix issues when search engines results contain a BUGFIX: Avoid possible crash on exit when the IP filter is enabled (closes 695945) January 1st 2011 - qBittorrent v2.5.3 release Happy new year to you all I have just uploaded qBittorrent v2.5.3 with a few bug fixes. qBittorrent v2.5.2 to v2.5.3 changelog: BUGFIX: Fix priority up/down for multiple torrents at the same time (closes 692184) BUGFIX: Make sure the number of torrents is properly set on startup (closes 694135) BUGFIX: Fix scan directories saving (closes 694768) BUGFIX: Remove empty folders on torrent soft deletion (closes 695174) BUGFIX: Make sure the main window has focus on startup BUGFIX: Fix ampersand display in search tabs (closes 695715) December 19th 2010 - qBittorrent v2.5.2 release qBittorrent v2.5.2 was just uploaded, as well as a first beta for v2.6.0. v2.6.0beta1 finally brings support for the system theme icons and also uses an improved ETA calculation algorithm. qBittorrent v2.5.1 to v2.5.2 changelog: BUGFIX: Fix alternative speed icon staying pressed when disabled BUGFIX: Fix slot warning on startup BUGFIX: Fix alignment issues in program preferences BUGFIX: Make sure we dont move completed torrent to the temp directory for checking (closes 602938) BUGFIX: Fix some File Not found warning in the Web UI BUGFIX: Fix dangerous usage of vector iterator BUGFIX: No longer expand the first folder in the torrent content list BUGFIX: Fixes possible crash in the RSS Downloader dialog (closes 691426) December 5th 2010 - qBittorrent v2.5.1 release After a long period of code refactoring and testing, we are glad to announce the release of qBittorrent v2.5.0. This major release brings a lot of new features as well as important performance improvements. qBittorrent v2.4.11 to v2.5.1 changelog: FEATURE: qBittorrent can now act as a tracker FEATURE: New and improved RSS feed automated downloader FEATURE: Added feature to shutdown qbittorrent on torrents completion FEATURE: Added a torrent import assistant to seed or keep downloading outside torrents FEATURE: qBittorrent can update itself from Sourceforge (Windows/Mac OS X only) FEATURE: Added a transfer list column to display the current tracker FEATURE: Remember the last trackers used in the torrent creation tool FEATURE: The optimal piece size is now automatically computed in the torrent creation tool FEATURE: Bring up the connection settings when clicking on the connection status icon FEATURE: Major code refactoring and optimization FEATURE: Added Amount downloaded/left columns to transfer list FEATURE: Simplified proxy settings FEATURE: Optimized and improved the peer country resolution code FEATURE: Download first/last pieces first when sequential download is enabled (Thanks Ahmad) FEATURE: Download first/last pieces first now applies to all media files in the torrent (Thanks Ahmad) BUGFIX: Fix SOCKS5 proxy authentication in search engine(closes 680072) BUGFIX: Fix two advanced settings (ignore limits on LAN and protocol overhead inclusion in rate limiter) BUGFIX: Fix strict super seeding (was not working) BUGFIX: Improve magnet save path handling (closes 683395) BUGFIX: Disable overwrite confirmation in torrent addition dialog (closes 685269) COSMETIC: Replaced message box by on-screen notification for download errors COSMETIC: Improved the torrent creation tool appearance COSMETIC: Use country flags by Mark James (Thanks to Dmytro Pukha) COSMETIC: Use bigger alternative speed icon OTHERS: Dropped support for Qt lt 4.4 November 21st 2010 - qBittorrent v2.4.11 and v2.5.0beta6 releases qBittorrent v2.4.11 has just been released. It will be the last bugfix release for the v2.4.x series as v2.5.0 is almost ready. Regarding the next major release - v2.4.5 - it is now in feature freeze and I have uploaded today a sixth beta release. I hope some users will have a chance to test this beta and report issues to help us stabilize. A big part of qBittorrent has been rewritten for v2.5.0 with the objectives to bring important performance improvements and to reduce the risk of introducing bugs. qBittorrent v2.4.10 to v2.4.11 changelog: BUGFIX: Do not report a progress of 100 in the Web UI unless the torrent is really complete (closes 674349) BUGFIX: Fix possible incorrect behavior with queueing BUGFIX: Fix RSS refresh interval saving BUGFIX: Fix possible crash when setting RSS proxy (closes 676288) BUGFIX: Fix HTTP redirect issue that would cause the torrent addition to show up for automated RSS downloads (Closes 677565) November 10th 2010 - qBittorrent v2.4.10 release I have just uploaded qBittorrent v2.4.10 to fix remaining outstanding issues. I am also working really hard to get v2.5.0 ready but I very little free time unfortunately. qBittorrent v2.4.9 to v2.4.10 changelog: BUGFIX: Fix possible crash when selecting a RSS item (really closes 575624) BUGFIX: Improved IPv6 support (IP filter and Peer list) BUGFIX: Make IP filter more tolerant towards strangely formatted IPs BUGFIX: More reliable folder scanning BUGFIX: Do not create the torrent root folder at final destination if torrent is in the temp dir (closes 673271) BUGFIX: Fix compilation with libnotify v0.7.0 (closes 671769) BUGFIX: Use a pointing cursor over status bar buttons October 31st 2010 - qBittorrent v2.4.9 release I hope all of you are enjoying Halloween I - personally - have been very busy preparing a new bugfix release for the v2.4.x series ) Once again, it brings a lot of new bug fixes. The activity on the bug tracker has remained very high this week. Hopefully it will calm down next week :P qBittorrent v2.4.8 to v2.4.9 changelog: BUGFIX: Fix crash when pressing enter in save path field in torrent addition dialog BUGFIX: Fix crash when deleting a torrent with no metadata (closes 667528) BUGFIX: Fix possible crash on clicking a RSS article (closes 575624) BUGFIX: Correctly update total number of torrents when a torrent is automatically removed (closes 668726) BUGFIX: Correctly display the hash of torrents with no metadata BUGFIX: Elide status bar text if it is too wide BUGFIX: Make sure the splash screen is displayed for 2 seconds BUGFIX: Make listening on a particular interface more reliable BUGFIX: Fix torrent size update in torrent addition dialog BUGFIX: Fix possible crash on qBittorrent shutdown BUGFIX: Fix and improve file priorities editing (closes 669084) I18N: Updated Arabic, Italian and Croatian translations October 24th 2010 - qBittorrent v2.4.8 release We have just uploaded another bugfix release for the qBittorrent v2.4.x series. It fixes quite a lot of issues. There are a lot of people taking to time to write bug reports and helping us make qBittorrent as bug-free as possible: this is great. Development on qBittorrent v2.5.0 is also progressing fast and we have uploaded a second beta for people to test. qBittorrent v2.4.7 to v2.4.8 changelog: BUGFIX: Fix possible crash on manual peer ban BUGFIX: Improved hostname resolution code BUGFIX: Several search plugins fixed BUGFIX: Auto-disable the shutdown feature BUGFIX: Remember the current property tab on startup BUGFIX: Fix status list widget height issue on style change BUGFIX: Fix rounding issue in torrent progress display BUGFIX: Fix issue when altering files priorities of a seeding torrent BUGFIX: Better fix for save path editing issues in torrent addition dialog BUGFIX: Peers can now be sorted by country October 19th 2010 - qBittorrent v2.4.7 release qBittorrent v2.4.7 was just uploaded to fix a few issues that were reported recently. qBittorrent v2.4.6 to v2.4.7 changelog: BUGFIX: Display the priority column when the queueing system gets enabled BUGFIX: Fix encoding problem in file renaming BUGFIX: Delete uneeded files on torrent soft deletion BUGFIX: Fix issues when marking a file as not downloaded causes the torrent to complete BUGFIX: Improved Set Location and Change save path dialogs BUGFIX: Fix display of queued seeding torrents October 17th 2010 - qBittorrent v2.4.6 release qBittorrent v2.4.6 was just uploaded in order to release a few new bug fixes. We have also uploaded qBittorrent v2.5.0beta1 which includes the new embedded tracker and qBittorrent shutdown upon torrent completion. qBittorrent v2.4.5 to v2.4.6 changelog: BUGFIX: Fix torrent seeding after creation feature BUGFIX: The properties panel data would sometimes not match the selected torrent BUGFIX: Fix detection of files at final destination when temp dir is used BUGFIX: Fix moving of a torrent to an unexisting directory September 26th 2010 - qBittorrent v2.4.2 release After a short pause in development, we have finally uploaded a bugfix release for qBittorrent v2.4. It brings quite a few fixes including some important ones for Windows platform. qBittorrent v2.4.0 to v2.4.2 changelog: I18N: Updated Arabic translation I18N: Fixes to German translation BUGFIX: Save path can now be edited in torrent addition dialog BUGFIX: Fix save path encoding on non-utf8 systems BUGFIX: Fix saving to drive root on Windows BUGFIX: OGV can now be previewed BUGFIX: Maximum download limit is now 10MB/s BUGFIX: Fix download in scan dir persistence BUGFIX: Add. torrent extension only when missing (torrent creator) BUGFIX: Fix possible issue with temporary download path persistence BUGFIX: Added support for (OR) operator in RSS feed downloader BUGFIX: Fix Web UI for spanish users BUGFIX: Fix locale switching from Web UI BUGFIX: Use AND operator for torrentdownloads. net searches BUGFIX: Limit torrent addition dialog width to fit the screen COSMETIC: Fix progress bars style on Windows August 24th 2010 - qBittorrent v2.4.0 release I have just uploaded qBittorrent v2.4.0. It brings quite a few features and some of them were awaited by users for quite some time. There may be a short pause in development now because I will defend my PhD thesis soon and then relocate to Finland. qBittorrent v2.3.1 to v2.4.0 changelog: FEATURE: Added actions to Move to top/bottom of priority queue FEATURE: Auto-Shutdown on downloads completion FEATURE: Email notification on download completion FEATURE: Added button to password-lock the UI FEATURE: Added label-level Pause/Resume/Delete actions FEATURE: Torrents can now be filtered by name FEATURE: Run external program on torrent completion FEATURE: Detect executable updates in order to advise the user to restart July 27th 2010 - qBittorrent v2.3.0 release qBittorrent v2.3.0 was just released. It ships quite a few new features and we hope you will all like it. Note that I will be leaving on vacation tomorrow and I will not be back until August 13th. qBittorrent v2.2.11 to v2.3.0 changelog: FEATURE: Simplified torrent root folder renaming/truncating (lt v2.3.0 is no longer forward compatible) FEATURE: Remember previous save paths in torrent addition dialog FEATURE: Max number of half-open connections can now be edited FEATURE: Added support for strict super seeding FEATURE: The user can force listening on a particular network interface FEATURE: Added cookie support for RSS feeds FEATURE: User can force tracker reannounce FEATURE: Added No action setting for double-click action FEATURE: Several torrents can be moved at once FEATURE: Added error state for torrents (error is displayed in a tooltip) FEATURE: Added filter for paused/error torrents FEATURE: Add Check/Uncheck all feature in Web UI FEATURE: Search engine can now be disabled FEATURE: Torrents can be automatically paused once they reach a given ratio FEATURE: Several files can now be disabled at once FEATURE: Added Select All/None buttons to files list FEATURE: Added support for BitComet links (bc://bt/. ) BUGFIX: Hide seeding torrents files priorities in Web UI BUGFIX: The user can disable permanently recursive torrent download BUGFIX: Peer Exchange status is now correctly reported BUGFIX: Use an INI file instead of the registry on Windows (More reliable) BUGFIX: Removed client spoofing feature to avoid tracker blacklisting COSMETIC: Display peers country name in tooltip COSMETIC: Display number of torrents in transfers tab label COSMETIC: Simplified program preferences COSMETIC: Fix naming of actions opening new dialogs (use Name. ) June 23rd 2010 - qBittorrent v2.2.10 and v2.3.0beta3 release We have released another bugfix release for qBittorrent v2.2.x series. This will probably be the last one as development on v2.3.0 is going well. We would expect to release v2.3.0 final before the end of July. qBittorrent v2.2.9 to v2.2.10 changelog: BUGFIX: Fix Web UI in qBittorrent nox version BUGFIX: Improved ETA display (more user friendly) BUGFIX: Fix possible compilation errors with libtorrent v0.15 BUGFIX: Fix minor issues in torrent creation tool BUGFIX: Use checkable actions to avoid issues on systems hiding menu icons (e. g. recent Gnome) BUGFIX: Use busy cursor for search plugin updates BUGFIX: Free disk space calculation now works if destination folder does not exist BUGFIX: Fix append. qB extension to incomplete files feature BUGFIX: Several OS/2 fixes by Silvan Scherrer COSMETIC: Display Alternative speed limits button as pressed when enabled June 13th 2010 - qBittorrent v2.2.9 release We have just uploaded qBittorrent v2.2.9 on Sourceforge. This new release includes bug fixes but also official support for Windows operating system. The Windows build should be available today or tomorrow. However, the Mac build will be delayed because it is the exams period for our maintainers. qBittorrent v2.2.8 to v2.2.9 changelog: FEATURE: Official support for Win32 platform FEATURE: Better integration with Mac OS BUGFIX: Fix torrent availability computation (closes 587337) BUGFIX: Disable torrent addition dialog as a default BUGFIX: Fix Web UI authentication with Opera Browser BUGFIX: Fix Javascript error in Web UI when using IE BUGFIX: Fix a lot of encoding problems on non UTF-8 systems BUGFIX: Fix race condition allowing to run multiple instances (closes 286968) BUGFIX: Fix window hiding problem when having a modal window (closes 589070) June 6th 2010 - qBittorrent available for testing on Windows Today represents an important milestone for qBittorrent. We have uploaded today on Sourceforge our first Windows installer for qBittorrent v2.2.8. This installer should be regarded as a public beta as we are looking for feedback before making an official stable release (v2.2.9). Please visit our download page to grab and install qBittorrent on Windows. If you find bugs, please report them via our bug tracker. We thank you in advance for your helpful feedback June 4th 2010 - qBittorrent back on Mac OS X and making its debut on Windows qBittorrent had been unmaintained on Mac platform for a while because our package maintainer was temporarily unavailable. We have excellent news: he is back Furthermore, we welcome an additional Mac maintainer in our team: Mirco Chinelli. Both worked really hard and uploaded today qBittorrent v2.2.8 dmg for Snow Leopard. Please find it on our download page. Another great news is that I am currently working very actively on the Windows port with a new member: Mohammad Dib. As a consequence, qBittorrent v2.2.9 will be released and supported on all threee major platforms: Linux, Mac and Windows. We are currently working hard on Windows bug fixing, in collaboration with beta testers (Please contact me if you wish to help with the testing), in order to make a polished and stable release really soon Stay put :) March 14th 2010 - qBittorrent v2.2.0 qBittorrent v2.2.0 final has been released today. This new major release brings a few interesting features such as a bandwidth scheduler and more advanced feature settings. There was also a great deal of code cleanup and optimization. qBittorrent v2.1.x to v2.2.0 changelog: FEATURE: User can set alternative speed limits for fast toggling FEATURE: Bandwidth scheduler (automatically use alternative speed limits for a given period) FEATURE: Added Added/Completed On columns to transfer list FEATURE: Added Upload/Download limit columns to transfer list FEATURE: Torrent files can be exported to a given directory FEATURE: Outgoing ports range can be customized (for QoS) FEATURE: User can choose to apply transfer limits on LAN too FEATURE: User can choose to include the protocol overhead in transfer limits FEATURE: Torrents can be automatically rechecked on completion FEATURE: If 2 torrents have the same hash, add new trackers/URL seeds to the existing torrent FEATURE: Trackers can be added from Web UI FEATURE: Global transfer information are displayed in the new Web UI status bar FEATURE: Allow to change the priority of several files at once FEATURE: Support for multiple scan folders (Patch by Christian Kandeler) BUGFIX: Only one log window can be opened at a time BUGFIX: Optimized RSS module memory usage BUGFIX: Consider HTTP downloads 1MB as invalid. torrent files and abort BUGFIX: Fix Web UI authentication with some browsers BUGFIX: Set Web UI ban period to 1 hour COSMETIC: Improved style management January 24th 2010 - qBittorrent v2.1.2 and v2.2.0beta1 We have just uploaded v2.1.2. This bugfix release adds further polishing and should be very stable. Exceptionally, a feature was also added because it seems users were missing this one from earlier releases: File prioritizing in a torrent. We have also tagged v2.2.0beta1 for testing purpose. It introduces alternative speed limits and a bandwidth scheduler. More changes to v2.2.0 will arrive soon as its development is just starting. qBittorrent v2.1.1 to v2.1.2 changelog: FEATURE: Added back file prioritizing in a torrent BUGFIX: Fix issue causing torrents not to be displayed in the list BUGFIX: Make sure invalid torrent are removed from the transfer list BUGFIX: Fix overwrite check when renaming a folder in a torrent BUGFIX: Force a recheck after renaming files to avoid overwriting BUGFIX: Improve Open destination folder behavior BUGFIX: Fix race condition in RSS that could cause a crash on startup BUGFIX: Improved user friendlyness of size units BUGFIX: Optimized transfer list repainting COSMETIC: Improved transfer speed display in peers list January 20th 2010 - qBittorrent v2.1.1 bugfix release Several bugs were reported just after v2.1.0 release. We have thus decided to make a bugfix release. It is recommended to update due to the number of bugs fixed. qBittorrent v2.1.0 to v2.1.1 changelog: BUGFIX: Fix compilation with Qt4.4 BUGFIX: Save torrent metadata so that it does not have to be re-downloaded on restart (Magnet links) BUGFIX: Fix folder renaming in a torrent (would rename children under certain conditions) BUGFIX: Nox version no longer requires libQtXml BUGFIX: Configure file now checks for pkg-config executable which is required BUGFIX: Torrents added from magnet links were not remembered on restart BUGFIX: Add in pause setting can be ignored from torrent addition dialog BUGFIX: Fix renaming of files with unicode characters in their name BUGFIX: Fix typo in legal notice (startup) BUGFIX: Can listen on ports lt 1024 (must be root) BUGFIX: Paused torrents can now be rechecked BUGFIX: Fix open torrent destination feature when path contains spaces I18N: Updated translations (Hungarian, Chinese, Russian) January 18th 2010 - qBittorrent v2.1.0 final release We uploaded today qBittorrent v2.1.0 final, a little earlier than anticipated. Once again, this new major release brings a lot of changes. The most important new features are torrent categorizing/labeling to better organize big torrent lists, headless running for people who want to run qBittorrent on a server without X server and control it remotely, new search engine plugins, better proxy support, a more secure and complete Web UI. A lot of polishing and bug fixing has been made since qBittorrent v2.0.0, it is strongly advised to update. qBittorrent v2.0.7 to v2.1.0 changelog: FEATURE: Graphical User Interface can be disabled at compilation time (headless running) FEATURE: Torrents can be labeled/categorized FEATURE: Labeled torrent can be downloaded corresponding subfolders FEATURE: Disk cache size can be set from preferences FEATURE: Peer Exchange (PeX) can be disabled from preferences FEATURE: Append. qB extension to incomplete files option (libtorrent v0.15 only) FEATURE: Torrent files/folders can be renamed (torrent addition dialog or files properties) FEATURE: uTorrent compatible tracker list support (use torrentz url as a default) FEATURE: Better proxy support and preferences remodeling FEATURE: qBittorrent can identify itself as uTorrent, Vuze or KTorrent (Any stable version) FEATURE: Torrents can be renamed in transfer list FEATURE: Display torrent addition dialog for magnet links too FEATURE: Files contained in a torrent are opened on double click (files panel) FEATURE: Added support for magnet links in search engine FEATURE: Added vertor and torrentdownloads. net search plugins FEATURE: Search engine can now use a SOCKS5 proxy FEATURE: HTTP proxy support for peer communication BUGFIX: Search engine loads new proxy settings without program restart BUGFIX: Use XDG folders (.cache. local) instead of. qbittorrent BUGFIX: Added legal notice on startup that the user must accept BUGFIX: Protect Web UI authentication against brute forcing BUGFIX: Use HTTP digest mode for Web UI authentication (instead of Basic) BUGFIX: Properly display torrents with one file in subfolder(s) COSMETIC: Use checkboxes to filter torrent content instead of comboboxes COSMETIC: Use alternating row colors in transfer list (set in program preferences) COSMETIC: Added a spin box to speed limiting dialog for manual input January 3rd 2010 - qBittorrent v2.1.0rc1 First of all, we would like to wish you all a happy new year. To enjoy this new year even more, Im planning to release qBittorrent v2.1.0 really soon and We uploaded a first release candidate today. We are hoping that people will test this release candidate and report issues as soon as possible so that we can make a stable release before the end of this month. v2.1.0 brings some long-waited features such as headless running (GUI can be disabled at compilation time by passing --disable-gui flag) and torrent categorizing/labeling. Renaming of torrents and their content is now also supported. qBittorrent v2.0.5 to v2.1.0rc1 changelog: FEATURE: Graphical User Interface can be disabled at compilation time (headless running) FEATURE: Torrents can be labeled/categorized FEATURE: Labeled torrent can be downloaded corresponding subfolders FEATURE: Disk cache size can be set from preferences FEATURE: Peer Exchange (PeX) can be disabled from preferences FEATURE: Append. qB extension to incomplete files option (libtorrent v0.15 only) FEATURE: Torrent files/folders can be renamed (torrent addition dialog or files properties) FEATURE: uTorrent compatible tracker list support (use torrentz url as a default) FEATURE: Better proxy support and preferences remodeling FEATURE: qBittorrent can identify itself as uTorrent, Vuze or KTorrent (Any stable version) FEATURE: Torrents can be renamed in transfer list BUGFIX: Use XDG folders (.cache. local) instead of. qbittorrent COSMETIC: Use checkboxes to filter torrent content instead of comboboxes COSMETIC: Use alternating row colors in transfer list (set in program preferences) COSMETIC: Added a spin box to speed limiting dialog for manual input December 13th 2009 - qBittorrent v2.0.1 We have just uploaded a first bugfix release for qBittorrent v2.0. This version brings support for Hex Magnet Links which are used by some web sites such as The Pirate Bay . Another good news is that qBittorrent project won Les toiles du libre Free Software competition, in desktop applications. qBittorrent v2.0.0 to v2.0.1 changelog: BUGFIX: Torrent user-agent is now spoofed correctly BUGFIX: Fix column hiding behavior when queueing system is disabled BUGFIX: Fix link to plugins. qbittorrent. org in plugins dialog BUGFIX: /qBTdir is created only when it is actually used BUGFIX: Fix possible missing slot message (toggleSelectedTorrentsSuperSeeding) BUGFIX: Fix possible crash in torrent properties (files) BUGFIX: Added Hex Magnet Links support (Thanks Haypo) December 10th 2009 - qBittorrent v2.0.0 final release As planned, qBittorrent v2.0.0 final was released today after a rather long period of test, which was necessary due to the large number of features/changes introduced. We really received a lot of feedback regarding v2.0.0 betas and release candidates and we would like to thank the brave people who tested it. qBittorrent v2.0.0 changelog is available here . December 2nd 2009 - qBittorrent v2.0.0rc4 and competition finalist Just a short article to announce that qBittorrent v2.0.0rc4 was released. It is stable and the UI will not change. I am now simply waiting for late translation updates so that I can make a final release (probably on December 10th) Another good news is that qBittorrent project is now a finalist in desktop applications category in Les Etoiles Du Libre Free Software competition. The winning projects will be selected on December 12th so lets keep our fingers crossed November 28th 2009 - qBittorrent v2.0.0rc2 and more search engine plugins We have released today a second release candidate for qBittorrent v2.0.0. A lot of users decided to give v2.0.0 a try as soon as they saw the screenshots and we thank them for their useful feedback. Thanks to their effort, qBittorrent v2.0.0 final will be released sooner than expected. We also recently moved our wiki to Sourceforge and we wrote a new documentation for qBittorrent v2.0. The documentation is complete already. Another recent news was that Mininova engine disabled access to over a million torrent files when it partly shut down its website due to legal issues. After this news, TorrentFreak published a list of 10 alternatives to Mininova. We decided it would be useful to support these 10 search engines in qBittorrent. As a result, we are currently publishing new plugins on Plugins. qbittorrent. org. 4 new plugins are available at the time Im writing this news while qBittorrent already supported 3 engines listed in the Top 10. This means that only 3 more plugins are missing to support the whole Top 10. November 17th 2009 - qBittorrent v1.5.6 release and qBittorrent v2.0.0 news Here is another bugfix release for qBittorrent v1.5.x while waiting for the next major release: qBittorrent v2.0.0. Development on v2.0.0 is going really well and we are hoping it will be ready in a month or so. qBittorrent v2.0 brings a lot of new features and UI changes. The list of changes is available here but to summarize it should be a very close equivalent to the official Bittorrent client: Torrent, in all levels: features, UI, lightness. qBittorrent v1.5.5 to v1.5.6 changelog: BUGFIX: RSS feed articles can now be displayed using keyboard arrows BUGFIX: RSS feed downloader can only process unread articles now BUGFIX: Fixed memory leak in RSS parser BUGFIX: Fixed possible crash in search autocompletion BUGFIX: Improved ETA calculation for big torrents BUGFIX: Fixed per-torrent speed limiting Copyright copy2006-2016 The qBittorrent project - All rights reservedAlcatel Unleashed List of possible commands: NoePhone gt help help help aec command inactive in fds mode announce give announce state aomuart test aomcommand spy reset ltaddrgt version ltaddrgt display ltaddrgt contrast ltaddrgt aommodule number ltvaluegt arpShow print arp table audio statechannel audioconfig handsetheadsethandsfreeloudspeakerannouncering backlight set onofflttimeoutgt (timeout must be gt 0) beep stateindexdestination bind set handsetheadset wiredbluetooth btaddr Gives local bluetooth device address btallowsco onoff (Accept sco without pairing) btdevice KO bthid Gives bt handset SW version btinquiry Start inquiry btopensco ltbdaddrgt btpair handsetheadsetset ltaddrgt ltcodegt btstate handsetheadset logicallinkrange bttestmode Activate BT module DUT mode certificate getdelset keydatcert lthexdatagt for default certificate del ltngt url download pemshow ltngt info charmap set azertyqwertyqwertznordiccyrilliczhuyinjamo codec 01 compressvadbandframingpktprd device lthandsethandsfreeheadsetgt directionlevelflux dhcp timers userclass use val ltstrgt icmpfilter use addr ltipaddrgt dos summary dspoff OK dwl silentgo f set appldataloadsipccustL10Nmethodserverportpath ltvaluegt dwlmethod set nobinaryfull ethernetstats cpu externalringer set lt on off gt grid onoff headset plugged hookstate hearingaid set help help ltcommandnamegt hostname set lthostnamegt hwdevice give hardware configuration id mainsoftsipcdataloadboothardrangetypeplatformextendedlinkdatefull ifShow (ethernet interface statistics) initstatus (print starting phase informations) ipconfig ltipparamgtmaincpumaintftpsurvisaverestore lcm lcm ledcolor ltngt set ltngt greenyelloworange ledstate number list ltngt set ltxgtall onoffslowblinkfastblink level ltfluxnamegt debugverbosenormalanomalydisablenever lldp reset set vlan lton offgt set power lton offgt set pwprior ltcritical high lowgt set invt lton offgt lock set unset ltpasswordgt values login OK loudspeaker give loudspeaker state mac give mac address memory address length value mirror set lansmpidle mute give mute state netlog ltlivebootgtltdisableenablegt ltlistsavedumpgtconfig config ltngt noep gctxdesc ltclassnamegt objmgr print noe objects list (optional options are debug or widget) pcms give pcms code phonemodel give phonemodel phy setsave lanpc lt10010autogt ltfullhalfautogt ping ltaddrgt rawcontrast give lcd rawcontrast reset flash soft hard ringer modemelodylevelcadence routeShow (print routing table) rtcpstats 01 rtpoutrtpinrtplostrtpjitterrtplatencyrtcpoutrtcpinrtpjittermax rtp 01 statedirectionlociplocportremipremportencryption sdramsize give SDRAM size secu give security state serialnum give serial number thalsec padck tone statecount tonedef ltngt tonedetector set ltonoffgt tonesend set onoffltnumbergt traceroute ltip addressgt ltip addressgt lthopsgt ua ua llsb lmsb op pp qq rr verswitch (switch binary) voicemode set ltidlehandsetheadsethandsfreegt voipstats lt0..19gt remiprtpoutrtpinrtplostcodecdelayjitter vxShow bcmPoolShow mbufShow sysPoolShow wideband setunset ltL256BV32G722-1G722-2G722-3gt help OK SWINSTU ACSE OXE R11.x Corporate ACSE 8770 R1.x (4760 R5.x) ACSE OT R2.x IP/SIP and UCampC Who is online Users browsing this forum: No registered users and 4 guests Powered by phpBB reg Forum Software copy phpBB LimitedChangelog Enigma: Add possibility to configure gpg-agent binary location (enigmapgpagent) Enigma: Fix signature verification with some IMAP servers, e. g. Gmail, DBMail (5371 ) Enigma: Make recipient key searches case-insensitive (5434 ) Fix regression in resizing JPEG images with Imagick (5376 ) Managesieve: Fix parsing of vacation date-time with non-default dateformat (5372 ) Use SymLinksIfOwnerMatch in. htaccess instead of FollowSymLinks disabled on some hosts for security reasons (5370 ) Wash position:fixed style in HTML mail for better security (5264 ) Fix bug where memcachedebug didnt work for session operations Fix bug where Message-ID domain part was tied to username instead of current identity (5385 ) Fix bug where blocked. gif couldnt be attached to reply/forward with insecure content Fix EDEPRECATED warning when using AuthSASL::factory() (5401 ) Fix bug where names of downloaded files could be malformed when derived from the message subject (5404 ) Fix so All messages selection is resetted on search reset (5413 ) Fix bug where folder creation could fail if personal namespace contained more than one entry (5403 ) Fix error causing empty INBOX listing in Firefox when using an URL with user:password specified (5400 ) Fix PHP warning when handling shared namespace with empty prefix (5420 ) Fix so folders list is scrolled to the selected folder on page load (5424 ) Fix so when moving to Trash we make sure the folder exists (5192 ) Fix displaying size of attachments with zero size Fix so Action disabled error uses more appropriate 404 code (5440 ) Update TinyMCE to version 4.3.13 (5309 ) Fix bug where errors could have been not logged when peruserloggingtrue Fix bug where message list columns could be in wrong order after column drag-n-drop and list sorting Fix so minified publickey. js (with cache-buster) is used when available (5254 ) Fix (replace) application/x-tar file extension test as it might not exist in nginx config (5253 ) Fix PHP warning when passwordhosts is set, but is not an array (5260 ) Fix redundant keep-alive requests when sessionlifetime is greater than 20000 (5273 ) Fix so subfolders of INBOX can be set as Archive (5274 ) Fix bug where multi-folder search could choose a wrong folder in this and subfolders scope (5282 ) Fix bug where multi-folder search didnt work for unsubscribed INBOX (5259 ) Fix bug where no body alert could be displayed when sending mailvelope email Enigma: Fix keys import from inside of an encrypted message (5285 ) Enigma: Fix malformed signed messages with force7bittrue (5292 ) Enigma: Add possibility to configure gpg binary location (enigmapgpbinary) Enigma: Add possibility to export private keys (5321 ) Fix searching by email address in contacts with multiple addresses (5291 ) Fix handling of --delete argument in moduserprefs. sh script (5296 ) Workaround PHP issue by calling closelog() on script shutdown when using logdriversyslog (5289 ) Fix so upgrade script makes sure program/lib directory does not contain old libraries (5287 ) Fix subscription checkbox state on error in folder subscribe/unsubscribe action (5243 ) Fix bug where microsecond format in logged date didnt work in some cases Fix conflict in newuserdialog and passwordforcenewuser settings (5275 ) Dont create multipart/alternative messages with empty text/plain part (5283 ) Use contactsearchname format in popup on results in compose contacts search Fix handling of mailto and error arguments in messagebeforesend hook (5347 ) Fix missing localization of HTML editor when assetsdir INSTALLPATH Fix handling of blockquote tags with mixed case on html2text conversion (5363 ) Fix javascript errors in IE on page with iframe that points to another domain Enigma: Added enigmadebug option Fix message list multi-select/deselect issue (5219 ) Fix bug where getting HTML editor content could steal focus from other form controls (5223 ) Fix bug where contact search menu fields where always unchecked in Larry skin Fix autoloading of html class Fix bug where Encrypt button appears when switching editor to HTML (5235 ) Fix XSS issue in href attribute on area tag (5240 ) Managesieve: Refactored script parser to be 100x faster Enigma: added option to force users to use signing/encryption Enigma: Added option to attach public keys to sent mail (5152 ) Enigma: Handle messages with text before an encrypted block (5149 ) Enigma: Handle encrypted/signed content inside message/rfc822 attachments Enigma: Fix missing html/plain switch on multipart/signed messages (4963 ) Enigma: Disable formatflowed for signed plain text messages (4960 ) Enigma: Fix handling of encrypted signed messages (4950 ) Enigma: Fix invalid boundary use in signed messages structure Enable use of TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 for IMAP (4955 ) Save copy of original. htaccess file when using installto. sh script (4947 ) Fix regression where some message attachments could be missing on edit/forward (4939 ) Fix regression in displaying contents of message/rfc822 parts (4937 ) Fix handling of message/rfc822 attachments on replies and forwards (4938 ) Fix PDF support detection in Firefox gt 19 (4941 ) Fix path traversal vulnerability in setting a skin CVE-2017-8770 Fix so drag-n-drop of text (e. g. recipient addresses) on compose page actually works (4944 ) Fix. htaccess rewrite rules to not block. well-known URIs (4943 ) Fix mail view scaling on iOS (4915 ) Fix PHP7 warning sessionstart(): Session callback expects true/false return value (4948 ) Fix XSS issue in SVG images handling (4949 ) Fix missing language name in Add to Dictionary request in HTML mode (4951 ) Fix (again) security issue in DBMail driver of password plugin (CVE-2017-2181) (4958 ) Fix bug where Archive/Junk buttons were not active after page jump with selectall mode (4961 ) Fix bug in long recipients list parsing for cases where recipient name contained - char (4964 ) Plugin API: Added addressbookexport hook Fix additionalmessageheaders plugin compatibility with MailMime gt 1.9 (4966 ) Hide DSN option in Preferences when smtpserver is not used (4967 ) Fix handling of body parameter in mail compose request Protect download urls against CSRF using unique request tokens (4957 ) newmailnotifier: Refactor desktop notifications Fix so contactlistfields option can be set via config file Fix so SPECIAL-USE assignments are forced only until user sets special folders (4782 ) Fix performance in reverting order of THREAD result Fix converting mail addresses with into mailto links (5197 ) Update TinyMCE to version 4.2 Remove backward compatibility layer of bc. php (4902 ) Add possibility to define date format in write operations for ldap attributes (3956 ) Display attachment size in compose (1329 ) Added possibility to drag-n-drop attachments from mail preview to compose window Implemented mail messages searching with predefined date interval PGP encryption support via Mailvelope integration PGP encryption support via Enigma plugin PHP7 compatibility fixes (4836 ) Security: Added brute-force attack prevention via login rate limit (4922 ) Security: Added options to validate username/password on logon (4884 ) Security: Improve randomness of security tokens (4899 ) Security: Use random security tokens instead of hashes based on encryption key (4829 ) Security: Improved encrypt/decrypt methods with option to choose the ciphermethod (4492 ) Make optional adding of standard signature separator - sigseparator (3276 ) Optimize foldersize() on Cyrus IMAP by using special folder annotation (4894 ) Make optional hidding of folders with name starting with a dot - imapskiphiddenfolders (4870 ) Add option to enable HTML editor always, except when replying to plain text messages (4352 ) Emoticons: Added option to switch on/off emoticons in compose editor (2076 ) Emoticons: Added option to switch on/off emoticons in plain text messages Emoticons: All emoticons-related functionality is handled by the plugin now Installer: Add button to save generated config file in system temp directory (3553 ) Remove common subject prefixes Re. Rex. Re-x: on reply (4882 ) Added GSSAPI/Kerberos authentication plugin - krbauthentication Password: Allow temporarily disabling the plugin functionality with a notice Require Mbstring and OpenSSL extensions (5166 ) Add --config and --type options to moduserprefs. sh script (4651 ) Implemented memcachedebug and apcdebug options Installer: Remove system() function use (4695 ) Password plugin: Added kpasswd driver by Peter Allgeyer Add initdb. sh to create database from initial. sql script with prefix support (4722 ) Plugin API: Added disabledplugins an disabledbuttons options in htmleditor hook Plugin API: Added messagepartbody hook Plugin API: Added messageready hook Plugin API: Add special onload() method to execute plugin actions before startup (session and GUI initialization) Implemented UI element to jump to specified page of the messages list (1677 ) Fix searching of contacts to allow remote images for known senders (4886 ) Fix bug where clicking date column with arrival sorting would switch to sorting by date (4690 ) Fix bug where message content could overlap attachments list in Larry skin (4876 ) Fix so microseconds macro (u) in logdateformat works (4855 ) Fix so unrecognized TNEF attachments are displayed on the list of attachments (5138 ) Plugin API: Added html2text hook Plugin API: Added addressbookexport hook Fix missing emoticons on html-to-text conversion Fix random access to this resource is secured against CSRF message at logout (4956 ) Fix missing language name in Add to Dictionary request in HTML mode (4951 ) Enable use of TLSv1.1 and TLSv1.2 for IMAP (4955 ) Fix XSS issue in SVG images handling (4949 ) Fix (again) security issue in DBMail driver of password plugin (CVE-2017-2181) (4958 ) Fix bug in long recipients list parsing for cases where recipient name contained - char (4964 ) Fix additionalmessageheaders plugin compatibility with MailMime gt 1.9 (4966 ) Hide DSN option in Preferences when smtpserver is not used (4967 ) Protect download urls against CSRF using unique request tokens (4957 ) newmailnotifier Plugin: Refactored desktop notifications Fix so contactlistfields option can be set via config file Fix so SPECIAL-USE assignments are forced only until user sets special folders (4782 ) Fix performance in reverting order of THREAD result Fix converting mail addresses with into mailto links (5197 ) Add workaround for bugs. php. net/bug. phpid70757 (4931 ) Fix duplicate messages in list and wrong count after delete (4925 ) Fix so Installer requires PHP5 Make brute force attacks harder by re-generating security token on every failed login (4913 ) Slow down brute-force attacks by waiting for a second after failed login (4913 ) Fix. htaccess rewrite rules to not block. well-known URIs (4943 ) Fix mail view scaling on iOS (4915 ) Fix so databaseattachments::cleanup() does not remove attachments from other sessions (4907 ) Fix responses list update issue after response name change (4917 ) Fix bug where message preview was unintentionally reset on check-recent action (4921 ) Fix bug where HTML messages with invalid/excessive css styles couldnt be displayed (4905 ) Fix redundant blank lines when using HTML and top posting (4927 ) Fix redundant blank lines on start of text after html to text conversion (4928 ) Fix HTML sanitizer to skip lt-- node type X --gt in output (4932 ) Fix invalid LDAP query in ACL user autocompletion (4934 ) Fix regression in displaying contents of message/rfc822 parts (4937 ) Fix handling of message/rfc822 attachments on replies and forwards (4938 ) Fix PDF support detection in Firefox gt 19 (4941 ) Fix path traversal vulnerability (CWE-22) in setting a skin (4945 ) Fix so drag-n-drop of text (e. g. recipient addresses) on compose page actually works (4944 ) Fix closing of nested menus (4854 ) Fix so EDEPRECATED errors from PEAR libs are ignored by errorreporting change (4770 ) Fix compatibility with PHP 5.3 in rcubeldap class (4842 ) Get rid of MailmimeDecode package dependency (4836 ) Fix Importing. message does not hide on error (4840 ) Fix SQL error on logout when using sessionstoragephp (4839 ) Update to jQuery 2.1.4 (5165 ) Fix Compose action in addressbook for results from multiple addressbooks (4834 ) Fix bug where some messages in multi-folder search couldnt be viewed/printed/downloaded (4843 ) Fix unintentional messages list page change on page switch in compose addressbook (4844 ) Fix race-condition in saving user preferences and loading plugin config (4845 ) Fix so plain text signature field uses monospace font (4848 ) Fix so links with href content arent added to links list on html to text conversion (4847 ) Fix handling of non-break spaces in html to text conversion (4849 ) Fix self-reply detection issues (4852 ) Fix multi-folder search result sorting by arrival date (4858 ) Fix so - request addresses in Sender: header are also ignored on reply-all (4860 ) Update to TinyMCE 4.1.10 (5164 ) Fix draft removal after a message is sent and storing sent message is disabled (4869 ) Fix so imap folder attribute comparisons are case-insensitive (4868 ) Fix bug where new messages werent added to the list in search mode Fix wrong positioning of message list header on page scroll in Webkit browsers (4646 ) Fix some javascript errors in rare situations (4853 ) Fix error when using back button after sending an email (4628 ) Fix removing signature when switching to identity with an empty sig in HTML mode (4872 ) Disable links list generation on html-to-text conversion of identities or composed message (4850 ) Fix washing of style elements wrapped into many lines Fix so input field (e. g. search box) does not loose focus on list load (4862 ) Fix minor XSS issue in drag-n-drop file uploads (4900 ) Add new plugin hook identitycreateafter providing the ID of the inserted identity (4807 ) Add option to place signature at bottom of the quoted text even in top-posting mode sigbelow Fix handling of - encoded entities in mailto: URLs (4799 ) Fix zipped messages downloads after selecting all messages in a folder (4797 ) Fix vpopmaild driver of password plugin Fix PHP warning: Non-static method PEAR::setErrorHandling() should not be called statically (4798 ) Fix tables listing routine on mysql and postgres so it skips system or other database tables and views (4796 ) Fix message list header in classic skin on window resize in Internet Explorer (4732 ) Fix so text/calendar parts are listed as attachments even if not marked as such (4795 ) Fix lack of signature separator for plain text signatures in html mode (4802 ) Fix font artifact in Google Chrome on Windows (4803 ) Fix bug where forced extwin page reload could exit from the extwin mode (4801 ) Fix bug where some unrelated attachments in multipart/related message were not listed (4805 ) Fix mouseup event handling when dragging a list record (4808 ) Fix bug where previewpane setting wasnt always saved into user preferences (4809 ) Fix bug where messages count was not updated after message move/delete with skipdeletedfalse (4814 ) Fix security issue in contact photo handling (4817 ) Fix possible memcache/apc cache data consistency issues (4820 ) Fix bug where imapconnoptions were ignored in IMAP connection test (4822 ) Fix bug where some files could have executable extension when stored in temp folder (4815 ) Fix attached file path unsetting in databaseattachments plugin (4823 ) Fix issues when using moduserprefs. sh without --user argument (4825 ) Fix potential info disclosure issue by protecting directory access (4816 ) Fix blank image in htmlsignature when saving identity changes (4833 ) Installer: Use opensslrandompseudobytes() (if available) to generate deskey (4827 ) Fix XSS vulnerability in mbox argument handling (4837 ) ACL: Allow other plugins to adjust the list of permissions and groups to edit Add possibility to print contact information (of a single contact) Add possibility to configure maxallowedpacket value for all database engines (4772 ) Improved handling of storage errors after message is sent Update to TinyMCE 4.1.9 Unified request event arguments handling, added support for unlock and action parameters Security: Generate random hash for the per-user local storage prefix (4768 ) Fix refreshing of drafts list when sending a message which was saved in meantime (4745 ) Fix saving/sending emoticon images when assetsdir is set Fix PHP fatal error when visiting Vacation interface and theres no sieve script yet (4778 ) Fix setting max packet size for DB caches and check packet size also in shared cache Fix needless security warning on BMP attachments display (4771 ) Fix handling of some improper constructs in formatflowed text as per the RFC36764.5 Fix performance of rcubedbmysql::getvariable() Fix missing or not up-to-date CATEGORIES entry in vCard export (4766 ) Fix fatal errors on systems without mbstring extension or mbregexencoding() function (4769 ) Fix cursor position on reply below the quote in HTML mode (4759 ) Fix so over quota errors are displayed also in message compose page Fix duplicate entries supression in autocomplete result (4776 ) Fix Non-static method PEAR::isError() should not be called statically errors (4770 ) Fix parsing invalid HTML messages with BOM after ltDOCTYPEgt (4777 ) Fix duplicate entry on timezones list in rcubeconfig::timezonenamefromabbr() (4779 ) Fix so localized folder name is displayed in multi-folder search result (4750 ) Fix javascript error after creating a folder which is a subfolder of another one (4781 ) Fix bug where subject of sent/saved message was removed if mbstring wasnt installed (4780 ) Fix missing vcardattachment icon on messages list (4783 ) Fix storing signatures with big images in MySQL database (4785 ) Fix Opera browser detection in javascript (4786 ) Fix so search filter, scope and fields are reset on folder change Fix rows count when messages search fails (4760 ) Fix bug where spellchecking in HTML editor do not work after switching editor type more than once (4789 ) Fix bug where TinyMCE area height was too small on slow network connection (4788 ) Fix backtick character handling in sql queries (4790 ) Fix redirect URL for attachments loaded in an iframe when behind a proxy (4724 ) Fix menu container references to point to the actual ltulgt element (4791 ) Fix javascripts errors in IE8 - lack of Event. which, focusing a hidden element (4793 ) Make SMTP error log more verbose - include server response and error code Fix download options menu (added by zipdownload plugin) in classic skin (4740 ) Fix blocked. gif image usage with assetsdir set Fix bug where maxgroupmembers was ignored when adding a new contact (4733 ) Hide MDN and DSN options in compose if disabled by admin (4735 ) Fix checks based on window. ActiveXObject in IE gt 10 Fix XSS issue in style attribute handling (4739 ) Fix bug where Drafts list wasnt updated on draft-save action in new window (4737 ) Fix so set as default option is hidden if identitieslevel gt 1 (4738 ) Fix bug where search was reset after returning from compose visited for reply Fix javascript error in IE 8.0/Tablet PC browser (4730 ) Fix bug where Reply-To address was ignored on reply to messages sent by self (4742 ) Fix bug where empty fieldmap config entries caused empty results of ldap search (4741 ) Fix bug where drafts list wasnt refreshed after draft message was sent from another window (4745 ) Fix keyboard navigation and css in datepicker widget across many Firefox versions Fix false warning when opening attached text/plain files (4748 ) Fix bug where signature could have been inserted twice after plain-to-html switch (4746 ) Fix security issue in DBMail driver of password plugin (4757 ) Enable FollowSymLinks option in. htaccess file which is required by rewrite rules (4754 ) Fix so JSON. parse() errors on localStorage items are ignored (4752 ) Update jQuery to version 2.1.3 Improve system security by using optional special URL with security token - usesecureurls Allow to define separate server/path for image/js/css files - assetsurl/assetsdir Sync vendor folder if exists in source package (4700 ) Avoid useless reloading list when resetting search with active filter (4654 ) Fix invalid folder selection if clicked while busy (4709 ) Fix import of multiple contact email addresses from Outlook-csv format (4714 ) Fix drag-n-drop to folders expanded while dragging (4708 ) Fix import of multiple contact groups from Google-csv format (4710 ) Fix import of contacts with multiple email addresses from Google-csv format (4719 ) Fix bugs where CSRF attacks were still possible on some requests Fix some rcubeutils::anytodatetime() corner cases with timezone mismatches (4712 ) Improve move-to and contact-export button in classic skin (4713 ) Fix wrong icon for download button in classic skin Fix bug where sent message was saved in Sent folder even if disabled by user (4729 ) Fix skin path handling in plugin context (4111 ) Prevent memory exhaustion on image resizing with GD on Windows (4580 ) Add plugin hook for database table name lookups as requested in 4538 Added Oracle database support Support contacts import in GMail CSV format Added namespace filter in Folder Manager Added folder searching in Folder Manager Fix restoring draft messages from localStorage if editor mode differs (4631 ) Added config option/user preference to disable saving messages in localStorage (4606 ) Added config option imaplogsession to enable Roundcube lt-gt IMAP session ID logging Added config option logsessionid to control the length of the session identifier in logs Implemented storageconnected API hook after successful IMAP login (4638 ) Integrate NetLDAP3 and rcubeldapgeneric classes Add option (disabledactions) to disable UI elements/actions (4478 ) Support password encryption using openssl extension (4614 ) Create/rename groups in UI dialogs (4592 ) Added contactsearchname option to define autocompletion entry format Display quota information for current folder not INBOX only (3442 ) Support images in HTML signatures (3917 ) Display full quota information in popup (2103. 2746 ) Mail compose: Selecting contact inserts recipient to previously focused input - to/cc/bcc accordingly (4487 ) Close no subject prompt with Enter key (4463 ) Password: Add option to force new users to change their password (2963 ) Improve support for screen readers and assistive technology using WCAG 2.0 and WAI ARIA standards Enable basic keyboard navigation throughout the UI (3333 ) Select/scroll to previously selected message when returning from message page (4146 ) Display a warning if popup window was blocked (4472 ) Remove (was. ) from message subject on reply (4359 ) Update to TinyMCE 4.1 (4168 ) Enable autolink plugin in TinyMCE (4029 ) Support image operations with Imagick extension (4498 ) Support upload progress with session. uploadprogress and PECL uploadprogress module (3934 ) Make identity name field optional (4435 ) Utility script to remove user records from the local database Plugin API: Added messagesaved hook (4503 ) Plugin API: Added imapsearchbefore hook Support messages import from zip archives Zipdownload: Added mbox format support (2354 ) Drop support for IE6, move IE7/IE8 support to legacybrowser plugin Update to jQuery-2.1.1 Search across multiple folders (1676 ) Improve UI integration of ACL settings Drop support for PHP lt 5.3.7 Set In-Reply-To and References for forwarded messages (4465 ) Removed redundant defaultfolders config option (4500 ) Implemented IMAP SPECIAL-USE extension support RFC6154 Optimize some framed pages content for better performance (4517 ) Improve text messages display and conversion to HTML (4091 ) Dont remove links when html signature is converted to text (4473 ) Fix page title when using search filter (4636 ) Fix mbox files import Fix some character sets detection (4694 ) Fix so attachment charset is set in headers of forward/draft message (4676 ) Fix bug where wrong charset could be used for text attachment preview page (4674 ) Fix setting flags on servers with no PERMANENTFLAGS response (4667 ) Fix regression in SHAA password generation in ldap driver of password plugin (4670 ) Fix displaying of HTML messages with absolutely positioned elements in Larry skin (4672 ) Fix font style display issue in HTML messages with styled elements (4671 ) Fix download of attachments that are part of TNEF message (4668 ) Fix handling of uuencoded messages if messagescache is enabled (4675 ) Fix handling of base64-encoded attachments with extra spaces (4678 ) Fix handling of UNKNOWN-CTE response, try do decode content client-side (4650 ) Fix bug where creating subfolders in shared folders wasnt possible without ACL extension (4680 ) Fix reply scrolling issue with text mode and start message below the quote (4681 ) Fix possible issues in skin/skinpath config handling (4689 ) Make SMTP error log more verbose - include server response and error code Fix rows count when messages search fails (4760 ) Fix security issue in DBMail driver of password plugin (4757 ) Fix handling of some improper constructs in formatflowed text as per the RFC36764.5 Fix missing or not up-to-date CATEGORIES entry in vCard export (4766 ) Fix duplicate entry on timezones list in rcubeconfig::timezonenamefromabbr() (4779 ) Fix handling of - encoded entities in mailto: URLs (4799 ) Fix bug where messages count was not updated after message move/delete with skipdeletedfalse (4814 ) Fix security issue in contact photo handling (4817 ) Fix bug where databaseattachmentscache setting was not working Fix attached file path unsetting in databaseattachments plugin (4823 ) Fix issues when using moduserprefs. sh without --user argument (4825 ) Fix bug where some valid text in a message was handled as uuencoded attachment Fix wrong icon for download button in classic skin Fix bug where sent message was saved in Sent folder even if disabled by user (4729 ) Fix checks based on window. ActiveXObject in IE gt 10 Fix XSS issue in style attribute handling (4739 ) Fix bug where Drafts list wasnt updated on draft-save action in new window (4737 ) Fix so set as default option is hidden if identitieslevel gt 1 (4738 ) Fix bug where search was reset after returning from compose visited for reply Fix javascript error in IE 8.0/Tablet PC browser (4730 ) Fix bug where empty fieldmap config entries caused empty results of ldap search (4741 ) Disable TinyMCE contextmenu plugin as there are more cons than pros in using it (4684 ) Fix bug where showrealfoldernames setting wasnt honored on compose page (4705 ) Fix issue where Archive folder wasnt protected in Folder Manager (4706 ) Fix compatibility with PHP 5.2. in rcubeimapgeneric (4682 ) Fix setting flags on servers with no PERMANENTFLAGS response (4667 ) Fix regression in SHAA password generation in ldap driver of password plugin (4670 ) Fix displaying of HTML messages with absolutely positioned elements in Larry skin (4672 ) Fix font style display issue in HTML messages with styled elements (4671 ) Fix download of attachments that are part of TNEF message (4668 ) Fix handling of uuencoded messages if messagescache is enabled (4675 ) Fix handling of base64-encoded attachments with extra spaces (4678 ) Fix handling of UNKNOWN-CTE response, try do decode content client-side (4650 ) Fix bug where creating subfolders in shared folders wasnt possible without ACL extension (4680 ) Fix reply scrolling issue with text mode and start message below the quote (4681 ) Fix possible issues in skin/skinpath config handling (4689 ) Fix lack of delimiter for recipient addresses in smtplog (4703 ) Fix generation of Blowfish-based password hashes (4721 ) Fix bugs where CSRF attacks were still possible on some requests Fix insert-signature command in external compose window if opened from inline compose screen (4663 ) Initialize HTML editor before restoring a message from localStorage (4631 ) Add sigmaxlines config option to default config file (5162 ) Add option to specify IMAP connection socket parameters - imapconnoptions (4589 ) Add option to set default message list mode - defaultlistmode (3157 ) Enable contextmenu plugin for TinyMCE editor (3062 ) Fix some mime-type to extension mapping checks in Installer (4610 ) Fix errors when using localStorage in Safaris private browsing mode (4619 ) Fix bug where Forwarded flag was being set even if server didnt support it (4621 ) Fix various iCloud vCard issues, added fallback for external photos (4617 ) Fix invalid Content-Type header when sendformatflowedfalse (4616 ) Fix errors when adding/updating contacts in active search (4630 ) Fix incorrect thumbnail rotation with GD and exif orientation data (4641 ) Fix contacts list update after adding/deleting/moving a contact (4640. 4644 ) Fix handling of email addresses with quoted domain part (4647 ) Fix commpath update on task switch (4648 ) Fix error in MSSQL update script 2013061000.sql (4658 ) Fix validation of email addresses with IDNA domains (4661 ) Fix storing unsaved drafts in localStorage (4529 ) Fix redundant horizontal scrollbar in HTML editor (4591 ) Fix PHP error in Preferences when defaultfolders was in dontoverride (4581 ) Add configurable LDAPOPTDEREF option (4546 ) Fix unintentional draft autosave request if autosave is disabled (4550 ) Fix malformed References: header in send/saved mail (4552 ) Fix handling unicode characters in links (4555 ) Fix incorrect handling of HTML comments in messages sanitization code (4558 ) Fix so current page is reset on list-mode change (4561 ) Fix so responses menu hides on click in classic skin (4566 ) Fix unintentional line-height style modification in HTML messages (4567 ) Fix broken normalizestring(), add support for ISO-8859-2 (4568 ) Support csv contacts import in German localization (4570 ) Fix so message list and counters are updated when a message is opened in new window (4569 ) Fix malformed recipient name when composing a message by clicking on mailto link (4583 ) Fix list reload after sending message in another window (4576 ) Fix so address format errors are ignored when saving a draft (4594 ) Fix incorrect label translation in return receipt (4598 ) Fix security issue in delete-response action - allow only ajax request Fix Delete button state after deleting identity/response (4603 ) Fix bug where contacts with no email address were listed on compose addressbook (4602 ) Fix images import from various vCard formats (4604 ) Fix sorting messages by size on servers without SORT capability (4608 ) Support error and bodyfile return attribs in messagebeforesend hook (4467 ) Apply user-specific replacements to groups basedn property (4512 ) Fix missing email address when importing contacts from outlook csv (4535 ) Fix bug where With attachment option in search filter wasnt selected after return from mail view (4508 ) Fix washing of unicoded style attributes (4510 ) Fix unintentional redirect from compose page in Webkit browsers (4516 ) Fix messages index cache update under some conditions (e. g. proxy) (4505 ) Fix lack of translation of special folders in some configurations (4520 ) Fix XSS issue in plain text spellchecker (4524 ) Fix invalid page title for some folders (1489804) Fix redundant alert message on over-size uploads (4528 ) Fix next message display after removing a message (4521 ) Fix missing Mail-Followup-To header in sent mail (4534 ) Fix error when spell-checking an empty text (4536 ) Avoid popupmenus being closed when scrollbar is clicked (4537 ) Add proxywhitelist configuration option (4496 ) Fix identitieslevel4 handling in newuserdialog plugin (4540 ) Fix various dbprefix issues (4539 ) Fix too small length of users. preferences column data type on MySQL Fix redundant warning when switching from html to text in empty editor (4530 ) Fix invalid host validation on login (4541 ) Fix IMAP connection test in installer so it is aware of imapauthtype (4502 ) Fix style of disabled protocol handler link on IE (4460 ) Fix message import dialog when no file is selected (4488 ) Fix opening compose screen in new window after saving as draft (4479 ) Added toolbar button to move message in message view Fix directories check in Installer on Windows (4462 ) Fix issue when defaultaddressbook option is set to integer value (4379 ) Fix Opera gt 15 detection (4455 ) Fix security issue in DomainFactory driver of Password plugin Fix invalid X-Draft-Info on forwarded message draft (4464 ) Fix regression in handling of attachments result in messagecompose hook (4474 ) Fix issue where msgexport. sh printed the message to STDOUT instead of a file (4476 ) Fix fatal error in databaseattachments plugin under some conditions (4495 ) Small CSS fix with message notice boxes in Larry skin (4429 ) Include groups in contacts search on mail compose (4186 ) Add mime-type mapping for .7z files (4436 ) Invoke update scripts with php to circumvent execution restrictions (4330 ) Fix drag amp drop message/contact moving on touch device (4395 ) Fix canned responses in HTML mode (4446 ) Check/create default folders on every login not only the first (4391 ) Update to jQuery-1.11.0 and jQuery-UI-1.9.2 Support SMTP socket context options via new config option smtpconnoptions Fix compatibility with PHP 5.2 in html. php file (4438 ) Remove expand/collapse with plus/minus keys (on numeric keypad) (4437 ) Fix issue where filesystem path was added to all-attachments (zip) file (4433 ) Fix case-sensitivity of email addresses handling on compose (1899 ) Dont alter Message-ID of a draft when sending (4381 ) Fix issue where deprecated syntax for HTML lists was not handled properly (3975 ) Display different icons when Trash folder is empty or full (2108 ) Remember last position of more headers switch (3660 ) Fix so message flags modified by another client are applied on the list on refresh (1639 ) Fix broken text/ attachments when forwarding/editing a message (4393 ) Improved minified files handling, added css minification (3041 ) Fix handling of X-Forwarded-For header with multiple addresses (4424 ) Fix border issue on folders list in classic skin (4419 ) Implemented menu actions to copy/move messages, added folder-selector widget (863 ) Fix security rules in. htaccess preventing access to base URL without the ending slash (4422 ) Fix regression where only first new folder was placed in correct place on the list (4418 ) Fix issue where children of selected and collapsed thread were skipped on various actions (4410 ) Fix issue where groups were not deleted when Replace entire addressbook option on contacts import was used (4388 ) Fix unreliable mimetype tests in Installer (4408 ) Fix performance of listing writeable folders (4406 ) Fix handling of invalid closing tags in HTML messages (4403 ) Set real content-type for file downloads (4400 ) Update TinyMCE to version 3.5.10 (4401 ) Fix keyboard navigation in list widgets (4367 ) Allow plugins to grab the reference of opened windows (4383 ) Larry skin: Improved status message display for better visibility (4115 ) Fix Internet Explorer 11 detection (4397 ) Fix date column width to fit the widest possible date format (4354 ) Move certain user preference options to a collapsed advanced block (4015 ) Add file type icons for Powerpoint and Open Office presentations (4269 ) Fix operations on folders with trailing spaces in name (4387 ) Improve identity selection based on From: header (4360 ) Fix issue where mails with inline images of the same name contained only the first image multiple times (4378 ) Use left/right arrow keys to collapse/expand thread and spacebar to select a row, change Ctrl key behavior (4367 ) Fix an issue where using arrow keys to go up a list can result in selected message being under headers (4375 ) Fix an issue where Home/End keys dont focus list row properly, dont scrollTo properly (4370 ) Add an option to disable smart Reply-List behaviour - replyallmode (3953 ) Fix an issue where pressing minus key on contacts list was hiding list records (4368 ) Fix an issue where shift arrow-up key wasnt selecting all messages in collapsed thread (4371 ) Added icon for priority column in messages list header (4275 ) New feature Canned Responses to save and recall boilerplate text snippets Fix HTML part detection when encapsulated inside multipart/signed (4357 ) Add spellchecker backend for the After the Deadline service Replace markdown-style 1 link indexes in plain text email bodies Improved mailto: link arguments handling (4351 ) Use DOMDocument LIBXMLPARSEHUGE and LIBXMLCOMPACT options if possible (4316 ) Support HTTPHOST, SERVERNAME and SERVERADDR values in includehostconfig feature Make default font size for HTML messages configurable (request 118) Fix XSS issue in addressbook group name field CVE-2013-5646 After message is sent refresh messages list of replied message folder (4282 ) Add option force specified domain in user login - usernamedomainforced (4290 ) Add option to import Vcards with group assignments Save groups membership in Vcard export (3801 ) Workaround broken PHP function timezonenamefromabbr (4289 ) Make cached message size limit configurable - messagescachethreshold (4326 ) Log also failed logins to userlogins log Add tempdirttl configuration option (4318 ) Allow setting INBOX as Sent folder (4264 ) Fix replacement variables in user-specific basedn in some LDAP requests (4299 ) Fix image scaling issues when image has only one dimension smaller than the limit (4296 ) Fix issue where uploaded photo was lost when contact form did not validate (4296 ) Move identity selection based on non-standard headers into (new) identityselect plugin (3835 ) Fix downloading binary files with (wrong) text/ content-type (4292 ) Respect HTTPXFORWARDEDFOR and HTTPXREALIP variables for session IP check Simplified configuration by merging it into one file defaults (3156 ) Make message list header stay on top when scrolling (353 ) Add support for enchant spellcheck engine Check filetype detection in installer and update script (4252 ) Fix folder names truncation in Classic skin (4265 ) Make possible to disable some (broken) IMAP extensions with imapdisablecaps option (4245 ) Contacts drag-n-drop default action is to move contacts (3962 ) Added possibility to choose to move or copy contacts from drag-n-drop menu (3962 ) Fix Close link and remove About link on error pages (4201 ) Improved/unified attachment preview screen, added print button Fix lack of space between searchfiler and quicksearchbar in Larry skin (4233 ) Cache LDAPs userspecific search and use vlv for better performance (4247 ) LDAP: auto-detect and use VLV indices for all search operations LDAP: additional group configuration options for address books LDAP: separated address book implementation from a generic LDAP wrapper class Allow address books to browse a multi-level group hierarchy in the contacts list Fix session issues when local and database time differs (2401 ) Fix thread cache syncronization/validation (4150 ) Added feature to import messages to the currently selected folder Add option showrealfoldernames to disable localization of special folders Fix database cache expunge issues (4229 ) Fix date format issues on MS SQL Server (4078 ) Add imapcachettl option to configure TTL of imapcache Make LDAP cache engine configurable via ldapcache and ldapcachettl options Fix duplicate entry errors on inserts to imap cache tables (4228 ) Improved handling of Reply-To/Bcc addresses of identity in compose form (4142 ) Added user preference to open all popups as standard windows Implemented shared cache (rcubecacheshared) Change Reply-All button label/title when mailing list is detected (4092 ) Fix SMTP connection using IPv6 address in smtpserver option (4147 ) Added attachmentreminder plugin Make PHP code eval() free, use createfunction() Add option to display email address together with a name in mail preview (3952 ) Support CSV import from Atmail (4161 ) Add dbprefix configuration option in place of dbtable /dbsequence options Make possible to use dbprefix for schema initialization in Installer (4175 ) Fix updatedb. sh script so it recognizes also table prefix for external DDL files Fix parsing invalid date string (4155 ) Add with attachment option to messages list filter (1795 ) Call resize handler in intervals to prevent lags and double onresize calls in Chrome (4137 ) Add relnoreferrer for links in displayed messages (4976 ) Add ability to toggle between HTML and text while viewing a message (3005 ) Remove HTML message from attachments list while viewing a message in text mode (3005 ) Support IMAP MOVE extension RFC 6851 Add attachment menu with Open and Download options (4116 ) Display user-friendly message on IMAP over quota errors (914 ) Extended archive plugin with user-configurable options to store messages into subfolders Fix export of selected contacts from search result (4070 ) Feature to export only selected contacts from addressbook (by Phil Weir) Fix failing vCard import when email address field contains spaces (4363 ) Fix default spell-check configuration after Google suspended their spell service Fix vulnerability in handling session argument of utils/save-prefs (4362 ) Fix iframe onload for upload errors handling (4361 ) Fix address matching in Return-Path header on identity selection (4358 ) Fix text wrapping issue with long unwrappable lines (4356 ) Fixed mispelling: occured - gt occurred (4353 ) Fixed issues where HTML comments inside style tag would hang Internet Explorer Fix setting domain in virtualmin password driver (4336 ) Hide Delivery Status Notification option when smtpserver is unset (4339 ) Display full attachment name using title attribute when name is too long to display (4328 ) Fix attachment icon issue when rare font/language is used (4334 ) Fix expanded thread root message styling after refreshing messages list (4335 ) Fix issue where From address was removed from Cc and Bcc fields when editing a draft (4327 ) Fix errorreporting directive check (4331 ) Fix deDE localization of About label in Help plugin (4333 ) Make identities matching case insensitive (1881 ) Fix issue where too big message data was stored in cache causing sql errors (4325 ) Fix iframe scrollbars on webkit desktop browsers (4319 ) Fix issue where legacy config was overriden by default config (4305 ) Fix newmailnotifier issue where favicon wasnt changed back to default (4324 ) Fix setting of Junk and NonJunk flags by markasjunk plugin (4303 ) Fix lack of Reply-To address in header of forwarded message body (4314 ) Fix bugs when invoking contact creation form when read-only addressbook is selected (4313 ) Fix identity selection on reply (4308 ) Fix so additional headers are added to all messages sent (4302 ) Fix display issue after moving folder in Folder Manager (4310 ) Fix handling of non-default date formats (4311 ) Fix unquoted path in PREG expression on Windows (4307 ) Fix Junk folder icon alignment when its nested in inbox folder (4309 ) Fix wrong close tag in /template/mail. html (4312 ) Optimized UI behavior for touch devices Fix setting refreshinterval to Never in Preferences (4304 ) Fix purge action in folder manager (4300 ) Fix base URL resolving on attribute values with no quotes (4297 ) Fix wrong handling of links with character (4298 ) Fix colorspace issue on image conversion using ImageMagick (4294 ) Fix XSS vulnerability when saving HTML signatures (4283 ) Fix XSS vulnerability when editing a message as new or draft (4283 ) Fix rewrite rule in. htaccess (4278 ) Fix detecting Turkish language in ISO-8859-9 encoding (4284 ) Fix identity-selection using Return-Path headers (4279 ) Fix parsing of links with. in URL (4251 ) Fix compose priority selector when opening in new window (4286 ) Fix bug where signature wasnt changed on identity selection when editing a draft (4272 ) Fix IMAP SETMETADATA parameters quoting (4274 ) Fix could not load message error on valid empty message body (4271 ) Fix handling of message/rfc822 attachments on message forward and edit (4262 ) Fix parsing of square bracket characters in IMAP response strings (4267 ) Dont clear References and in-Reply-To when a message is edited as new (4263 ) Fix messages list sorting with THREADREFS Remove deprecated (in PHP 5.5) PREG /e modifier usage (4239 ) Fix empty messages list when registerglobals is enabled (4232 ) Fix so valid and set date. timezone is not required by installer checks (4242 ) Canonize boolean iniget() results (4249 ) Fix so install do not fail when one of DB driver checks fails but other drivers exist (4240 ) Fix so exported vCard specifies encoding in v3-compatible format (4244 ) Fix image thumbnails display in print mode (4220 ) Fix height of message headers block (4200 ) Fix timeout issue on dragampdrop uploads (4238 ) Fix default sorting of threaded list when THREADREFS isnt supported Fix list mode switch to List after saving list settings in Larry skin (4236 ) Fix error when theres no writeable addressbook source (4235 ) Fix zipdownload plugin issue with filenames charset (4231 ) Fix so non-inline images arent skipped on forward (4230 ) Fix null instead of empty string on messages list in IE10 (4227 ) Fix legacy options handling Fix so bounces addresses in Sender headers are skipped on Reply-All (4140 ) Fix bug where serialized strings were truncated in PDO::quote() (4226 ) Fix displaying messages with invalid self-closing HTML tags (4223 ) Fix PHP warning when responding to a message with many Return-Path headers (4222 ) Fix unintentional compose window resize (4206 ) Fix performance regression in text wrapping function (4219 ) Fix connection to posgtres db using unix socket (4218 ) Fix handling of comma when adding contact from contacts widget (4199 ) Fix bug where a message was opened in both preview pane and new window on double-click (4212 ) Fix fatal error when xdebug. maxnestinglevel was exceeded in rcubewashtml (4202 ) Fix PHP warning in htmltable::setrowattribs() in PHP 5.4 (4194 ) Fix invalid option selected in defaultfont selector when font is unset (4204 ) Fix displaying contact with ID divisible by 100 in sql addressbook (4211 ) Fix browser warnings on PDF plugin detection (4209 ) Fix fatal error when parsing UUencoded messages (4210 ) Better German labels for from/to to avoid conflicts with sender (4188 ) Fix problem where security warning was displayed for valid images with image/jpg type (4196 ) Fix handling of invalid email addresses in headers (4193 ) Fix IMAP connection issue with defaultsockettimeout lt 0 and imaptimeout lt 0 (4191 ) Fix various PHP code bugs found using static analysis (4190 ) Fix backslash character handling on vCard import (4189 ) Fix csv import from Thunderbird with French localization (4170 ) Fix messages list focus issue in Opera and Webkit (4169 ) Fix Reply-To header handling in Reply-All action (4157 ) Fix so Sender: address is added to Cc: field on reply to all (4140 ) Fix so addressbooksearchmode works also for group search (4183 ) Fix removal of a contact from a group in LDAP addressbook (4185 ) Inlcude SQL query in the log on SQL error (4172 ) Fix handling untagged responses in IMAP FETCH - could not load message error (4180 ) Fix very small window size in Chrome (4087 ) Fix list page reset when viewing a message in Larry skin (4182 ) Fix minrefreshinterval handling on preferences save (4179 ) Fix PDF support detection for Firefox PDF. js (4113 ) Fix possible collision in generated thumbnail cache key (4177 ) Fix exit code on bootsrap errors in CLI mode (4160 ) Fix error handling in CLI mode, use STDERR and non-empty exit code (5161 ) Fix error when using checkreferertrue Fix incorrect handling of some specific links (4171 ) Fix incorrect handling of leading spaces in text wrapping Fix unintentional messages list jumps on click in Internet Explorer (4167 ) Fix list of required configuration options (4166 ) Fix DB error when creating a new contact and a group is selected (4164 ) Fix handling of deprecated boolean value of replymode option (4165 ) Fix display of HTML entities in protected folder name (4159 ) Set minimal permissions to temp files (4131 ) Improve content check for embedded images without filename (4151 ) Fix handling of invalid characters in message headers and output (4153 ) Avoid race-conditions with concurrent attachment uploads (3739 ) Fix selecting collapsed rows on select-all (4156 ) Fix possible header duplicates when using additional headers (4154 ) Fix session issues with usehttpstrue (4125 ) Fix blockquote width in sent mail (4152 ) Fix keyboard events on list widgets in Internet Explorer (4148 ) Fix security issue in save-pref command Remove sigabove configuration option, use replymode only (4135 ) Refresh current folder in opener window after draft save or message sent (4132 ) Fix saving draft just after entering compose window (4141 ) Fix javascript error in IE9 when loading form with placeholders into an iframe (4138 ) Fix handling of some conditional comment tags in HTML message (4136 ) Fix so forward as attachment works if additional attachment is added by messagecompose hook (4134 ) Better handling of session errors in ajax requests (4105 ) Fix HTML part detection for some specific message structures (4130 ) Dont show fake address - phishing prevention (4120 ) Fix forward as attachment bug with editormode 1 (4129 ) Fix LIMIT/OFFSET queries handling on MS SQL Server (4123 ) Fix javascript errors when working in a page opened with tagetblank Mention SQLite database format change in UPGRADING file (4122 ) Increase maxlength to 254 chars for email input fields in addressbook (4126 ) Fix thumbnail size when GD extension is used for image resize (4124 ) Display notice that message is encrypted also for application/pkcs7-mime messages (3815 ) Updated translations from Transifex Fix plain text spellchecker icorrect highlighting in non-ASCII text (4114 ) Add workaround for invalid message charset detection by IMAP servers (4112 ) Fix NUL characters in content-type of ms-tnef attachment (4108 ) Fix regression in handling LDAP contact identifiers (4104 ) Fix buggy error template in a frame (4092 ) Add addressbook widget on compose page in classic skin Add search box to compose address book widget (3710 ) Fix login in case when defaulthost is an array with one element (4085 ) Use LDAP fallback hosts on connect bind instead of ldapconnect() only. Add config option for LDAP bind timeout (sets LDAPOPTNETWORKTIMEOUT option) Submit Addressbook advanced search form with Enter key (3843 ) Also block remote images in HTML part view (4013 ) Improved database schema upgrade procedure, added updatedb. sh script Force autocommit mode in mysql database driver (4068 ) Fix searching by date in address book (4058 ) Improve charset detection by prioritizing charset according to user language (2032 ) Fix handling of escaped separator in vCard file (4064 ) Fix countcontrols issue in IElt8 when text is very long (4060 ) Add option to use envelope From address for MDN responses (4052 ) Add possibility to search in message body only (3977 ) Support multipart/relative as an alias for multipart/related type (4057 ) Display PGP/MIME signature attachments as Digital Signature (3845 ) Workaround UW-IMAP bug where hierarchy separator is added to the shared folder name (4051 ) Fix version comparisons with - stable suffix (4050 ) Add unsupported alternative parts to attachments list (4046 ) Add Compose button on message view page (3959 ) Display Sender header in message preview Plugin API: Added messagebeforesend hook Fix contact copy/add-to-group operations on search result (4042 ) Use matching identity in MDN response (4043 ) Fix unwanted horizontal scrollbar in message preview header (4044 ) Fix handling of signatures on draft edit (3996 ) Fix so compacting of non-empty folder is possible also when messages list is empty (4039 ) Allow forwarding of multiple emails (2941 ) Fix big memory consumption of DB layer (4037 ) Add workaround for IElt8 bug where Content-Disposition:inline was ignored (4028 ) Fix XSS vulnerability in vbscript: and data:text links handling (4033 ) Fix broken message/part bodies when FETCH response contains more untagged lines (4020 ) Fix empty email on identities list after identity update (4018 ) Add new identitieslevel: (4) one identity with possibility to edit only signature Use Delivered-To and Envelope-To headers for identity selection (4024. 3835 ) Fix XSS vulnerability using Flash files (4014 ) Fix absolute positioning in HTML messages (4007 ) Fix cache (in)validation after setting Deleted flag Fix keybord events on messages list in opera browser (4011 ) Fix selection of collapsed thread rows (3978 ) Always save drafts with formatflowed in order to keep original line wraps (3997 ) Fix wrapping of quoted text with formatflowed (3561 ) Select defaultaddressbook on the list in Address Book (3624 ) Fix so mobile phone has TYPECELL in exported vCard (4004 ) Support contacts import from CSV file (2605 ) Improved keep-alive action. Now the interval is based on sessionlifetime (3799 ) Added cross-task refresh request for system state updates (3799 ) Renamed config options: keepalive to refreshinterval, minkeepalive to minrefreshinterval Fix handling of text/enriched content on message reply/forward/edit Option to display attached images as thumbnails below message body Upgraded to jQuery 1.8.3 and jQuery UI 1.9.1 Add config option to automatically generate LDAP attributes for new entries Add user settings to open message view and compose form in new windows (1886 ) Better client-side timezone detection using the jsTimezoneDetect library (3947 ) Add option to disable saving sent mail in Sent folder - nosavesentmessages (3923 ) Fix handling dontoverride with messagesortcol and messagesortorder settings (3970 ) Fix handling of URLs with asterisk characters (3969 ) Remove automatic to-lowercase conversion of usernames (3941 ) Plugin API: Add emaillist argument for identities data in usercreate hook Integrated zipdownload plugin to download all attachments (617 ) Fix HTML special characters handling in message list/header display (3812 ) List related text/html part as attachment in plain text mode (3918 ) Use IMAP BINARY (RFC3516) extension to fetch message/part bodies Fix folder creation under public namespace root (3910 ) Fix so Edit as new on draft creates a new message (3924 ) Fix invalid error message on deleting mail from read only folder (3929 ) Replace data URIs of images (pasted in HTML editor) with inline attachments (3795 ) Remove (too big) min-width on mail screen Added template object frame Add option to enable HTML editor on forwarding (3807 ) Add option to not include original message on reply, rename option topposting to replymode (1615 ) Added sessionpath config option and unified cookies settings in javascript Added Undeleted option to messages list filter Rewritten test scripts for PHPUnit Add new DB abstraction layer based on PHP PDO, supporting SQLite3 (3668 ) Removed PEAR::MDB2 package Removed users. alias column, added option (useraliases) to use email address from identities as username (3851 ) Removed redundant cache. cacheid column (3817 ) Fix order of attachments in sent mail (3740 ) Fix Shift delete button does not permanently delete messages (3598 ) Add Content-Length for attachments where possible (1880 ) Fix attachment sizes in message print page and attachment preview page (3805 ) Add mail attachments using drag amp drop on HTML5 enabled browsers Add workaround for invalid BODYSTRUCTURE response - parse message with MailmimeDecode package (1966 ) Display Tiff as Jpeg in browsers without Tiff support (3757 ) Dont display Pdf/Tiff/Flash attachments inline without browser support (3757. 3394 ) Add isescaped attribute for htmlselect and htmltextarea (3782 ) Fix issue where draft auto-save wasnt executed after some inactivity time Add vCard import from multiple files at once (3458 ) Roundcube Framework: Add possibility to replace IMAP driver with custom class Add IMAP auto-connection feature, improving performance with caching enabled Replace imapinit hook with storageinit (with additional driver argument) Improved performance by caching IMAP servers capabilities in session Unified global functions naming (rcube prefix) Better classes separation Framework files moved to lib/Roundcube Fix security issue in save-pref command Fix countcontrols issue in IElt8 when text is very long (4060 ) Fix unwanted horizontal scrollbar in message preview header (4044 ) Add workaround for IElt8 bug where Content-Disposition:inline was ignored (4028 ) Fix XSS vulnerability in vbscript: and data:text links handling (4033 ) Fix absolute positioning in HTML messages (4007 ) Fix keybord events on messages list in opera browser (4011 ) Fix cache (in)validation after setting Deleted flag Fix selection of collapsed thread rows (3978 ) Fix wrapping of quoted text with formatflowed (3561 ) Fix XSS vulnerability in handling of text/enriched messages (4000 ) Fix handling of media attribute on linked css (3989 ) Fix regression where unintentional page reload was done after request abort (3999 ) Fix excessive LFs at the end of composed message with toppostingtrue (3995 ) Fix bug where leading blanks were stripped from quoted lines (3994 ) Fix AREA links handling (3992 ) Fix possible HTTP DoS on error in keep-alive requests (3983 ) Fix compatybility with MDB2 2.5.0b4 (3982 ) Fix a bug where saving a message in INBOX wasnt possible Fix HTML part detection in messages with attachments (3976 ) Fix bug where wrong words were highlighted on spell-before-send check Fix scrolling quirk in email preview frame using Opera 12 (3973 ) Fix displaying of multipart/alternative messages with empty parts (3961 ) Fix Warning: htmlspecialchars(): charset RCMAILCHARSET not supported warning in Installer (3958 ) Fix threaded list sorting on PHP lt 5.2.9 (3960 ) Fix XSS vulnerability from HTTP User-Agent header (3954 ) Force fonts in compose fields to be all the same (3926 ) Add full headers view in message preview window (3823 ) Fix message display page issues (3856. 3895 ) Fix handling vCard entries with TELTYPECELL (3949 ) Fix error where session wasnt updated after folder rename/delete (3928 ) Fix PLAIN authentication for some IMAP servers (3916 ) Fix encoding vCard file when contains PHOTOENCODINGb (3922 ) Fix focus issue in IE when selecting message row (3881 ) Fix displaying all headers when they contain malformed characters (3911 ) Fix decoding of HTML messages with UTF-16 charset specified (3902 ) Fix quota capability detection so it can be overwritten by a plugin (3903 ) Fix identity selection on reply (3516 ) Fix Larrys messages list filter in IE (3890 ) Fix more IE issues by disabling Compat. mode with X-UA-Compatible meta tag (3886 ) Fix setting locales under Solaris - use additional. UTF-8 suffix (3887 ) Fix email address validation for addresses with IP address in domain part Fix Larry skin issues in IE7 compat. mode (3879 ) Fix so subscribed non-existing/non-accessible shared folder can be unsubscribed Fix bug where domain name was converted to lower-case even with loginlcfalse (3859 ) Fix lower-casing email address on replies (3863 ) Fix line separator in exported messages (3866 ) Fix XSS issue where plain signatures wasnt secured in HTML mode (3875 ) Fix XSS issue where hrefjavascript: wasnt secured (3875 ) Fix impossible to create message with empty plain text part (3873 ) Fix stripped apostrophes when replying in plain text to HTML message (3869 ) Fix inactive Save search option after advanced search (3870 ) Fix Remove from group option is active for contact search result (3871 ) Disable autocapitalization in login form on iPad/iPhone (3872 ) Fix focus on the list when list row is clicked (3865 ) Added separate From and To columns apart from smart From/To column (2970 ) Fix fallback to Larry skin when configured skin isnt available (3857 ) Fix (workaround) delete operations with some versions of memcache (3858 ) Fix (disable) request validation for spell and spellhtml actions Renamed old default skin to classic. Larry is the new default skin. Support connections to memcached socket file (3848 ) Enable TinyMCE inlinepopups plugin Update to TinyMCE 3.5.6 Correctly escape localized labels in javascript variable (3842 ) Update NetSMTP/AuthSASL packages to fix Digest-MD5/Cram-MD5 authentication (3846 ) Dont add attachments content into reply/forward/draft message body (3837 ) Fix no connection errors on page unloads (3832 ) Plugin API: Add unauthenticated hook (3545 ) Show explicit error message when provided hostname is invalid (3834 ) Fix wrong compose screen elements focus in IE9 (3826 ) Fix fatal error when date. timezone isnt set (3831 ) Update to TinyMCE Better icons with distinct shapes for priority columns (3706 ) Show dedicated icon for multipart/report messages (3813 ) Properly hide text of icon links/buttons (3820 ) Fix handling of unitless CSS size values in HTML message (3821 ) Fix removing contact photo using LDAP addressbook (3737 ) Fix storing X-ANNIVERSARY date in vCard format (3816 ) Update to MailMime-1.8.5 (3810 ) Fix XSS vulnerability in message subject handling using Larry skin (3809 ) Fix handling of links with various URI schemes e. g. skype: (3521 ) Fix handling of links inside PRE elements on html to text conversion Fix indexing of links on html to text conversion Decode header value in rcubemime::get() by default (3803 ) Fix errors with enabled PHP magicquotessybase option (3798 ) Fix SQL query for contacts listing on MS SQL Server (3797 ) Fix window. resize handler on IE8 and Opera (3758 ) Dont let error message popups cover the login form (3794 ) Dont show errors when moving contacts into groups they are already in (3788 ) Make folders with unread messages in subfolders bold again (2892 ) Abbreviate long attachment file names with ellipsis (3793 ) Fix html2text conversion of strongbathh tags when used in upper case Add listcontrols template container in Larry skin (3792 ) Fix host autoselection when defaulthost is an array (3790 ) Move messages forwarding mode setting into Preferences Fix HTML entities handling in HTML editor (3780 ) Fix listing shared folders on Courier IMAP (3767 )

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